Denmark Agriculture Commerce
År: 1920
Forlag: Brown Brothers & Co.
Sted: New York
Sider: 32
UDK: 338(489)
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over the record for 1918 and poultry, with a total of about
12,250,000, was approaching normal figures. The number
of pigs increased from 621,000 in 1918 to 918,000 in January
of the present year. Moreover, the harvest for 1919, accord-
ing to recent estimates, showed a decided improvement
over the previous year and in some respects even over the
period before the war. The wheat crop amounted to 177,000
tons as compared with an average yield of 163,000 tons dur-
ing the five years preceding 1914. The yield per acre
showed an improvement of seven per cent. The harvest of
barley and mixed grain amounted to 588,000 tons and 418,-
000 tons respectively compared with 601,000 tons and 398,-
000 tons representing average crops during the five years
before the war. The crop of vegetables in 1919 was par-
ticularly satisfactory, amounting to 15,928,200 tons as com-
pared with an average yield of 14,971,220 tons in normal
times. The total value of the 1919 harvest is estimated at
$268,000,000. A substantial part of this amount was repre-
sented by potatoes and sugar beets which are becoming in-
creasingly important in the foreign trade of the country.
Denmark maintained her strength as a food producing
Kronborg Castle—at
the entrance to the Sound