Denmark Agriculture Commerce
År: 1920
Forlag: Brown Brothers & Co.
Sted: New York
Sider: 32
UDK: 338(489)
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tion to live animals to the value of $5,582,976. Since that
time a rapid improvement has been made in the production
of the principal foodstuffs which is steadily increasing the
surplus available for export. Moreover, the financial and
political interests of the country are at present making a con-
certed effort to correct the unfavorable trade balance and
thus remove the handicap caused by adverse rates of foreign
exchange. A systematic attempt is being made to prevent
the importation of non-essential articles. In addition, accord-
ing to recent reports, rationing of certain commodities has been
adopted in order to increase the amount of goods that the
country can export. Measures of this sort should have a
marked effect in improving Denmark’s trade position and con-
sequently give fuller scope to her productive capacity. During
the past few months new markets for Danish foodstuffs have
been developed which, as soon as the country can again reach
normal levels of production, should
prove to be important factors
in her future prosperity.
The Cooperative System
Denmark owes her
prominent position in
In the circle—A
cooperative churn
that makes half a
million pounds of
butter annually.
Below—A battery
of cream separa-
tors with yearly
capacity of about
13,000,000 lbs
Photos by J.R.
McMahon of
"The Country