Denmark Agriculture Commerce
År: 1920
Forlag: Brown Brothers & Co.
Sted: New York
Sider: 32
UDK: 338(489)
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the increased rates of tax now in force the state will add
substantially to its revenues in the present year and more
nearly cover the extraordinary expenditures for post-war
reconstruction than in 1919.
The above figures for wealth refer only to the inhabitants
of Denmark proper and do not include the value of state and
municipal property. The Danish possessions include the
Faroe Islands and Greenland. In addition, Iceland is gov-
erned by Christian X, the King of Denmark. The total
wealth of the nation will be greatly increased by the recent
return of a part of the former Danish province of Slesvig.
By the plebiscite held in February 1920 in accordance with
the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Denmark is to regain
an area of about 1,505 square miles. This territory is some-
what larger than the State of Rhode Island and had in 1910
a population of 167,000. The future of an additional section
of 510 square miles, with a population of about 109,000, will
be determined by a plebiscite to be held in March 1920. The
northern part of Slesvig
closely resembles Den-
mark both in its dairying
and agricultural develop-
ment. The land is very
fertile and is under in-
tensive cultivation.
There are several good
ports and an excel-
lent system of rail-
ways. The addi-
tion of this tc
ritory should
increase mate-
rially the pro-
ductive capac-
ity of Den-
The total
A busy section along the wharves
in Copenhagen