Denmark Agriculture Commerce
År: 1920
Forlag: Brown Brothers & Co.
Sted: New York
Sider: 32
UDK: 338(489)
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1914 to $131,145,120 at the end of 1919, the gold reserves of
the nation have been well maintained. As of December 31st
1919 the ratio of gold reserve to circulation was about 46 per
cent. On the same date the corresponding ratio in N or way was 33
per cent, in Sweden 39 per cent, in England 27 per cent and
in the United States 48 per cent. The increase in bank de-
posits in Denmark during the war is indicated in the following
table of the deposits of the five leading banks in Copenhagen.
The figures are taken from a recent study on this subject.
July 31st Dec. 31st 1914 1914 $167,151,600 179,399,200
1915 243,183,200
cc 1916 394,817,600
cc 1917 482,078,400
cc 1918 615,328,000
May 31st 1919 633,150,000
The total increase during this period
was nearly 280 per cent. Deposits
in savings banks increased from
Agricultural laud under intensive cultivation