Denmark Agriculture Commerce
År: 1920
Forlag: Brown Brothers & Co.
Sted: New York
Sider: 32
UDK: 338(489)
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the thrift which is characteristic of the Danish people, the
profits derived from the war have thus been accumulated as
a reserve to provide for the future requirements of the com-
mercial and agricultural development of the nation.
The future of Denmark’s commerce and agricultural in-
dustry is dependent in a degree on the solution of the
international problems now confronting the nations of
Northern Europe. Copenhagen will in any event hold in
the future an important position as a transit port just as she
has held it in the past. In addition, as the new and densely
populated countries created under the Treaty of Versailles
along the Eastern Coast of the Baltic Sea develop foreign
markets for their manufactures and vast stores of natural
resources, Copenhagen should obtain a
large proportion of this transit trade and
assume a leading position among the ports
of the world. The demand for Danish
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