File Filosophy
Being some Hints regarding the proper Methods of using Files and the various Applications of the most common Files
År: 1913
Forlag: Nicholson File CO.
Sted: Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
Udgave: Eight Edition [revised]
Sider: 47
UDK: 621.91 Nich Gl.
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mowing machine knives and plows; in machine shops
for lathe work, draw-filing, and, to some extent, finish-
ing the several compositions of brass and bronze.
Mill Blunt File. The above file is also made
in a blunt shape.
ROUND Edge Mill File. There is a con-
siderable demand for these files with one round edge,
and a limited demand for two round edges. Used
for filing the gullet or space between saw teeth.
EQUALING File. Made from mill sections and
blunt. Double cut, mostly bastard. Length, 6" to
12". Used for general machine-shop work. Seldom
called for, except for fine tool making.
FLAT File. Taper. Double cut, mostly bastard,
though many second cut and smooth, and some dead
smooth. Length, 3" to 18".
Use: One of the most common files in use, not con-
fined to any specific kind of work, but employed by
mechanics generally, for a great variety of purposes.
Flat Wood File. Taper. Double cut, coarse.
Length, 6" to 16". They are in regular but limited
use by wood workers at the present day.
FLAT Wood Rasp. Taper. Rasp cut, bastard.
Length, 6" to 16". Use: For wheelwrights and
carriage makers.