File Filosophy
Being some Hints regarding the proper Methods of using Files and the various Applications of the most common Files
År: 1913
Forlag: Nicholson File CO.
Sted: Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
Udgave: Eight Edition [revised]
Sider: 47
UDK: 621.91 Nich Gl.
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the fine-toothed hand and hack saws, also the metal
workers’ hack saws, which are considerably harder
than those used upon wood.
Slim Handsaw Taper or Slim Taper.
Made from three-square section. Taper. Single cut,
second cut. Considerably lighter, but in every other
respect like the ordinary Handsaw File. Length, 3"
to 10".
This file has largely superseded the regular Hand-
saw File; the principal advantage being the greater
sweep or stroke obtainable from the same section.
Extra Slim Taper.—Lighter stock than slim
taper—cut usually single cut, second cut, Generally
tapered but occasionally blunt. Length, 4" to 8".
Handsaw Blunt. The Handsaw Files are
sometimes made in a blunt shape.
Double-Ender Handsaw File. Furnished
with handle. Single cut, same as Slim Taper. Length,
6" to 12". Use: Same as Slim Taper, with the added
advantage of having two files in one and a handle
which can be easily attached.