File Filosophy
Being some Hints regarding the proper Methods of using Files and the various Applications of the most common Files
År: 1913
Forlag: Nicholson File CO.
Sted: Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
Udgave: Eight Edition [revised]
Sider: 47
UDK: 621.91 Nich Gl.
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CROSS Cut.—Blunt. Cut single cut like Mill
Bastard of same size. Lengths, 6" to 12".
Reaper File. Of several sections, mostly knife,
and all blunt. Single cut, bastard. Use. Principally
for sharpening the knives of mowing and reaping
Tumbler File. Double oval shape. Taper or
blunt. Cut, double cut, bastard, second cut and
smooth. Length, 4" to 14". Seldom called for.
INSERTED Tooth.—Made from Half-round
steel with edges ground off. Cut single cut, second cut
like Mill File. Length, 8", 9" and 10". Used for
filing inserted tooth saws.
FILE Cleaners. Consisting of Card, Brush and
Scorer together, or Card and Scorer alone. Use. For
keeping a file free from filings. The Scorer is made of
soft iron, and is used to remove the “pins,” which fill
up and clog the teeth, causing scratches in the work
if not removed. The Brush will be found a most
efficient annex to the Card, especially upon finer files,
removing the filings much more effectually than can
be done by the Card alone.
FILE Holders. A device in which files may
be firmly held for service in surface filing, and while