File Filosophy
Being some Hints regarding the proper Methods of using Files and the various Applications of the most common Files

År: 1913

Forlag: Nicholson File CO.

Sted: Providence, R.I., U.S.A.

Udgave: Eight Edition [revised]

Sider: 47

UDK: 621.91 Nich Gl.

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Side af 52 Forrige Næste
FILE FILOSOPHY Page. Horse Rasp, plain.............37 slim.............37 ........... tanged...........37 Horse Mouth Rasp...........45 Inserted Tooth File............44 Irregular Forms, Filing of......20 Kinds of Files.................31 Knife File.....................42 Large Surfaces, Filing of. 15, 17, 24 Lathe Work, Filing of..........21 Length of Files................30 Lightning File.................42 Light Work, Filing of......18, 19 Machine Files and Filing.......21 Manicure Files................45 Methods of Using Files........12 Middle Cut...................10 Mill File......................33 Mill Blunt File................34 Mill File, Round Edge.........34 Miscellaneous Sections.........43 Mouse Tail File...............28 Names of Files.. . . . __........ Narrow Surfaces, Filing of......22 Oil and its Use in Filing ... .24, 25 Ovals, Filing of................20 Over-cut.......................10 Pillar File.....................35 Pickling.......................24 Pitsaw File....................39 Pinning in Filing...............25 Pianometer....................11 Point..........................30 Preface.......................6,7 Preparing Work................23 Pressure on File. .13, 19, 20, 21, 28 Quadrangular Sections.........33 Quality........................ 8 Rasps (See Cabinet, Horae and Wood Rasps.) Rasp Cut..............29, 31, 33 Rat Tail File.................38 Reaper File...................44 Re-cut or Re-cutting..........10 Round File...................37 Page. Round Blunt File.............38 Round Edge Mill File.........34 Rough Cut....................31 Safe Edge (or side). __........10 Scale or Skin, Removing of. .23, 24 Scraping......................10 Scraper.......................17 Second Cut................29, 31 Set...........................11 ........................... Shapes of Files 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. Single Cut.............29, 31, 32 Slim Handsaw Taper File......41 Slim Taper File...............41 Slotting File..................35 Smooth Cut..................31 Soft Metals, Filing of..........23 Specialities...................44 Square File...................36 Square Blunt File.............36 Summary of Hints.............28 Surface Plate.................11 Surface File Holder............17 Superfine or super-cut.........11 Stub File Holder..............16 Table Surfaces, Filing of.......17 Tang.........................30 Taper............... .11, 29, 31 Taper Cotter..................35 Taper File (see Hand Saw Taper, etc.)........................ Taper Double Cut File........40 Taper Single Cut File..........40 Teeth., Character of......29, 31 Test in Filing.................12 Testing Machines.............28 Test of Files...........................28 Three Square Gin Saw File.....42 Three Square File.............39 Trade Mark.................. 2 Treatise on Files.............6, 7 Triangular Sections............39 Tumbler File..................44 Up-cut.......................11 Uses of Files..................29 Vise, Height of............17, 18 Warding File.................36 Wood Files and Rasps......... (See headings Half Round, Flat.) NICHOLSON FILE CO. 47