File Filosophy
Being some Hints regarding the proper Methods of using Files and the various Applications of the most common Files
År: 1913
Forlag: Nicholson File CO.
Sted: Providence, R.I., U.S.A.
Udgave: Eight Edition [revised]
Sider: 47
UDK: 621.91 Nich Gl.
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necessary to cover changes in style, in methods and
operations—in order to bring this treatise down to
modern times. This we now present to those inter-
ested in files in the form of this little “File Filosophy.”
And in confining ourselves thus to the original, we feel,
and, indeed, it is acknowledged that we are doing all
that can be done since the Treatise cannot be added to
or improved upon. The book is not intended to take
the place of our catalogue,* but to accompany and
supplement it.
The Filosophy is strictly impartial; its contents
apply to all files alike, whether made by ourselves or
by others, in this country or abroad. Naturally, we
have confidence in our own products as best represent-
ing the perfect file necessary to secure the most nearly
perfect results in filing; and we point with pride to the
magnitude of our production and sales as evidence
upon that point. But the value of a book of this kind
would be diminished were the personal to enter too
prominently into its pages, so we leave matters of com-
parative merit to the judgment of the great body of
file users, and simply hand this little “Filosophy” to
all interested, in the hope that it may be of service and
therefore appreciated.
June 1, 1913.
*The catalogue referred to is our regular small catalogue, showing 600
illustrations of files and rasps and procurable gratis upon application.