Statistics Of Trade 1873

År: 1873

Forlag: The Imperial Maritime Customs Press

Sted: Shanghai

Sider: 338

UDK: 061.4(100)

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6 Values. T0TAL Values of Commodities in Foreign bottoms, arriving at and departing from the port. STATISTICS OF TRADE. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. • Hk. Its. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tfe ' Hk. Tts. Hk. Its. Hk. Tts. r4,993>642 16,792,255 13,875,148 I5;°73>5i6 18,201,725 20,709,980 16,939,677 12,701,843 10,943,180 14,335,562 i 13,697,175 13,714,001 17,173,934 18,675,984 27,695,485 27,735,435 28,210,710 28,770,691 31,915,726 37,883,914 35,615,661 Re-exports of Native and Foreign Goods included. d as of the following values :— Tls. 3 = Z i = Francs 25 = Thalers 6%. ties as divided between Foreign and Home Ti’ade. 18G6. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. 11,188,795 9>557,274 9,141,297 9,327,814 11,179,433 11,151,443 9,854,865 3,804,847 7,234,981 4,733>85i 5,745,702 7,022,292 9,558,537 7,084,812 2,542,644 523>°7l i>278,533 1,164,370 2,106,055 3,263,798 3,717,853 10,159,199 j 10,420,109 13,057,029 12,532,805 11,607,946 13,910,136 14,958,131 27>695,485 27,735,435 28,210,710 I 28,770,691 31,915,726 37,883,914 35,615,661 1 1864. 1865. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. 7,297,062 10,121,661 12,450,439 12,017,403 I9>747)501 22,139,064 c K 5 0 £ S 0 0 3 > H Z> H CQ Q 1864. 1865. Hk. Tts. Hk. Tts. 5470,839 8,011,655 1,826,223 2,110,006 1,282,881 1,947,877 11,167,558 10,069,526 I9,747>501 . 22,139,064 1863. Hk. Tts. 6,809,345 11,898,046 18,707,391 may be regarde< 2 rr 1863. Hk. Tts. 4,935,413 1,873,932 714,372 «»«83,674 ON c? co' 1—< 1 Imports, Exports,* total, Note.—The Haikuan Tael Foreign Goods Imported, Native Produce, „ Native Produce Exported and Native) and Foreign Goods re-exported to Foreign Ports, J Native Produce Exported and Native) and Foreign Goods re-exported to to Home Ports, J Total,