Statistics Of Trade 1873

År: 1873

Forlag: The Imperial Maritime Customs Press

Sted: Shanghai

Sider: 338

UDK: 061.4(100)

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Side af 338 Forrige Næste
 14 Articles. I()MK Export = Total quantities of principal articles of Native Produce exported in Foreign bottoms to Chinese Treaty Ports. STATISTICS OF TRADE. ci Value. £ s 197 6456 651 ci co co 0? 582 cn ocT >-< KO CO • hl 0 CO *-1 38,786 C\ } 00 o\ O 00 «o’ 'O öd' Hl C4 co Quantity. 121.QI iPfrzS‘6 0 KO Ö co 2,283.70 66'oz 168.72 33,047 40.68 307,915-03 go-io£‘oi OO KO Ci Ch 00 d 0 0 o> >—< VO Fx KO <O T“—< Value. cn • D O o\ VO o' KO" 00 ►H 00 7C 781,52 00 r—* Quantity. 21,970.20 a 00 Ö as 68.28 • 51.72 KO CA 1,724.62 22.70 328,31177 20,137.51 0 O\ rL III : J Value. Hk. TU. ooS‘6 o' 0 1—1 15,048 35° 268 417 zL,z 88,844 4,075 1,291 564,547 0 00 0 h-< I zz6‘6 3,425 n,5i7 832,246 00 r—1 Quantity. 20,159.36 2,362.82 40 66.35 309-53 qs ri 77,625.16 0 cT 35-21 H-t m co 20,454.08 4,912.56 0 \o ? C? : • Value. €gZ£r VO OO o' 26,324 Ln 0 *-< 386 72,541 75,075 825 404,743 49,711 o> co 0^ H-t CO 2,835 684,306 O O 00 ;ity. 33-99 39.16 C4 X) n 0 X) • Z) 0 Ö X) 20 O 0 6.44 c? >0.44 t-M Ö 0 <5> Quant co x>' Z? »-» co o' ro CL °O^ Value. Hk. Th CO 00 Fx >— \O Cs tn ■-A \cT CM cF »-• 5,333 0 0 Cl □s 0 i_r> 0^ ♦-* moo n co ? ckT -* Cl 23,482 863 603,779 co 0 co Quantity. 243.06 10,987.95 812.91 26 1 659.84 • 45-15 19,026.38 542.85 25-99 238,776.71 19,553-81 8,459-54 14,016.87 Classifier OF Quantity. Peculs Value Hk. Hs. s 1 rä' Q 0 0 O tn 0 55 0 P. 2 CO M Q i Beans and Peas.... Bean Cakes and Ground-nut Cal Camphor, 1 nuts, Dried, (Lung-ngans, Lich( ; Oranges, &c.J... . I Hemp Hides, Cow and Buffalo, Indigo, Liquid 1 Medicine, 1 Rice, Salt, Seeds, Sesamum. . Sharks’ Fins, Black and White, Suffar, Brown „ White Turmeric £ T3 H C3 ft to ■2 ft «T 0» "o bo 0 1 4 s rS ET’ s <’/T s G 5 2Z2 Kote. This Table gives the principal articles of Native Produce sent in Foreign bottoms from one Treaty Port to another, not being Re-exports / 6 \ ( Articles b