Christiania II 493, 505,
536, 537.
Christianiafjord II 493.
Christiania Stift II 537.
Christianopel II 517.
Christians Amt II 536, 540.
Christiansborg, Air. I 429
Christiansdal II 588.
Christiansfeld II 398.
Christianshaab,Grønl. I 255.
Christianshavn II 577, 579.
Christiansholm, Grevsk. II
Christiansminde II 590.
Christianssand II 492, 541.
Christianssands Stift II
Christiansstad II 517.
Christiansstadlen II 510,
Christianssted I 193.
Ghristianssten II 544.
Christianssund I 70, II
492, 543.
Christianssæde II 587.
Christiansø II 587.
Christinehamn II 521.
Christinestad II 489.
Christmasøen I 131, 326.
Chrudin II 326.
Chrysokeras II 139.
Chubut I 166.
Chulm I 307.
Chuquisaca I 162.
Chur II 351.
Churchill, Fl. I 209.
Churfirstengebirge II 261.
Chusistan I 309.
Chvalynsk II 472.
Cibalis I 339.
Cibinbjærge II 289.
Cibuneystamnie I 187.
Cienfuegos I 189.
Cilicien I 291, 294.
Ciliciske Pas I 270.
Cilli, Bjærgl. II 267.
—, By II 320.
Ciina d’Asta II 266.
— di Gelas II 258.
— di Vanscuro II 51.
— Dodici II 266.
— Tosa II 266.
Cimbrishamn II 517.
Cimbriske Halvø II 3.
Cinca II 21.
Cincinati I 232.
Cindrelul II 289.
Cintra II 49.
Ciotat, la II 179.
Circassier I 366.
Cirkusdale II 19.
Cirpan II 131.
Cirque de Gavarnie 11 19.
Cirta I 420.
Cisa, la II 57.
Ciskavkasien I 365, 367.
Cisleithanien II 309.
Gisplatina I 166.
Citlaltepetl I 201.
Gitta di Castello II 81.
Cittanova II 91.
Citta Vecchia II 248.
— Vittoriosa II 248.
Ciudadela II 44.
Ciudad Guzman I 216.
— Juarez I 217.
— Real, By II 38.
----. Pv. II 32.
— Rodrigo II 35.
— Victoria I 215.
— Vieja I 186.
Civitas Aurelia Aquensis
11 428.
Civita Vecchia II 81, 85.
Clackmannan II 217, 240
Claire Flod II 185.
Clairvaux II 174.
Clamart II 171.
Clapham II 221.
*Clapperton I 370.
Clare, Sh. II 218, 245.
—, 0 II 193.
Clarence I 105.
— Peak I 455.
Clarieland I 177.
*Clarke I 136.
— Fork I 203.
Claudia Celeja II 320.
Clerkenwell II 220.
Clermont-Ferrand II 187.
Clesham II 241.
Clew II 193.
Cleveland I 232.
Clichy II 171.
Clifton II 229.
Clinton I 234.
Clipperton I 131.
Clitumnus II 59.
Clituno II 59.
* Clive, Lord I 312.
Clonmel II 246.
I Cluny II 176.
Cluses II 269.
Clusium II 80.
Clyde II 190, 198.
Clydebank II 239.
Clydebugt II 190, 192.
Clydesdale II 239.
Coa II 22.
Coahuila I 217.
Coast Range I 203.
Coatbridge II 239.
Coats Land I 178.
Coban I 186.
Cobar I 113.
Cobija I 163.
Cobreflod I 190.
Coburg, Halvø I 101.
Cochabamba, Bj. I 143.
Cochabamba, By I 161.
Cochinchine I 328.
Cockburn Land 1 250.
Codbugt I 199.
Codogno II 74.
Codrington I 194.
Cognac II 184.
Cogon I 427.
Coibaø I 181.
Coimbra II 25, 46, 48.
Coire II 351.
Cojedes I 154.
Colchester II 228.
Col de Canfranc II 20.
— de Fréjus II 150, 259.
— de la Perche II 19.
— de la Seigne II 259.
— dell’Altäre II 57, 258.
— - de Perthus II 20.
— di Lorche II 258.
— di Tenda II 57, 258.
— Ferret II 261.
Colima, Bj., Afr. I 383.
— , Bj., Am. I 201.
— , By I 210, 211, 216.
— , St. I 215.
Collipulli I 163.
Colne II 227.
Colombes II 172.
Colombo I 323.
*Colon I 135.
By I 181, 182.
Colonia, Uruguay I 167.
— Agrippina II 407.
Colony of the Cape of
Good Hope I 442.
Colorado, Fl. I 54, 204,
— St. I 238.