Dictionary of organic compounds. The constitution and physical, chemical and other properties of the principal carbon compounds and their derivatives, together with relevant literature references. 4, ed. (Ed.: J.R.A.Pollock and R.Stevens). London,Eyre & Spottiswoode,19&5. 1977, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dictionary of organic compounds. The constitution and physical, chemical and other properties of the principal carbon compounds and their derivatives, together with relevant literature references, 4, ed, (Ed,: J,R.A.Pollock and R.Stevens). London,Eyre & Spottiswoode,19&5. 1976, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elkonsumtionen i Sverige. (Prognos 19&5-1975). Utg.av Centrala driftledningen, CDL. Del 1-2. Vällingby 19&4, (i 1 bd.) Del 1:Sammanfattning. 1975, (Ikke digitaliseret)