Metal physics. Some active topics. Lectures delivered at the Institution of metallurgists (20.) refresher course; (held at Keele) 1965. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Selected values of chemical thermodynamic properties. Part 2:Tables for the elements twenty-three through thirty-two in the standard order of arrangement. [By] D.D. Wagman a.o. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Transfluxors and their application in automation and remote control. 1966, Kravcenko, L.D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Organic reactivity. A translation of Reakcionnaja sposobnost' organiceskich soedinenij [Reaktsionnaya sposobnost' organicheskikh soedinenii] 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Water research. Papers presented at the Seminars in water resources research. Sponsored by Resources fcr the future and the Western resources conference, Colorado state university, (Fort Collins ,Col.) 1965. V.Kneese and S.C.Smith. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Lignin structure and reactions. A symposium sponsored by the Division of cellulose, wood, and fiber chemistry at the 150.meeting of the American chemical society, Atlantic city,N.J. 1965. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Frank,W. , H.Kunzel und. W. Schul© Warme und Feuchtigkeitsschütz, Tem-peraturverhaltnisse in Wohngebäuden. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
International electrotechnical commission, (IEG) Catalogue of IEC publications 1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Detali masin i podMemno-transportnye masiny. Kiev 1966-[Vyp] 3- Kun spredte numre, se kardex. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Polski rejestr etatkow [Polish register of shipping] Rules for the signalling means and lanterns of sea-going ships. Gdansk 1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)