Gas chromatography, Second international symposium held under the auspices of .., the 1959, Noebels, H.J.; Wall, B.F., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Medical aspects of flight safety. (The unexplained aircraft accident.) Editor: E,Evrard oca. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Snell,F.D., C.T.Snell and C.A.Snell Colorimetric methods of analysis. Including photometric methods. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Statistische Methoden der Hydrographie. Untersuchungen zum langjährigen Abflussverhalten der Elbe. 1959, Kirsten, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The Institute of Radio Engineers., 1959 National convention record .DO Vol,7ï Part 5: Aeronautical and navigational electronics 1 Military electronics $ Space electronics and telemetry. " 6; Component parts ; Industrial electronics; Production techniques; Reliability and quality control; Ultrasonics engineering, (se naeste kort) SK 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Uber einige Zusammenhänge zwischen Schüttdichte, Kornaufbau und Mahlbedingungen von Steinkohlen. 1959, Engshuber, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Byggforskningens organisation. Sammandrag av byggforskningsutredningens betänkande, Stockholm,AB.Svensk Byggtjänst, 1959. 94' s. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Dopolnenie k anglo-russkomu slovarju po radioélektronike i svjazi. 1959, Dozorov, N.I., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ulrich’s periodicals directory. A classified guide to a selected list of current periodicals, foreign and domestic. 9,®d. E.C.Graves. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Health physics in nuclear installations. Symposium organized at the Danish Atomic Energy Centre of Rise, 25-28 May 1959, hy EcNoEoA,: European Nuclear Energy Agency and the Danish Atomic Energy Commission. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)