Introduction to skin and scuba diving, B.Hesketh. 1967, Craig, J.D.; Degn, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Institute of fundamental technical research of the Polish academy of sciences. [Tidl.tit.: Institute of basic technical problems of the Polish academy of sciences. Scientific activities.]. Scientific activities. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Japan electric machinery industry and its standardization ’66. Tokyo,Japan electric machine industry association,[ca.1967] 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchung zur Verbesserung von Trennleistung und Trennfaktor bei der gegenstrom-elektrolytischen Isotopen-trennung. 1967, Behne, D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ordered fluids and liquid crystals. A symposium sponsored by the Division of colloid and surface chemistry at the 150.meeting of the American chemical society , Atlantic city,N.J. 1965. [By] R.S. Porter and J.F.Johnson. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Quality control in metal finishing. Based on a symposium at the Borough polytechnic London. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Korzybski,T., Z.Kowszyk-Gindifer and W. Kurylowicz Antibiotics. Origin, nature and properties. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Wetting. A discussion covering both fundamental and applied aspects of the subject of wetting and wettability. Comprising papers read at a joint symposium, organised by the Bristol section ... of the Society of chemical industry, Bristol 1966. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
An investigation on the external rendering of wood frame houses. 1967, Rahtu, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Nobel lecturesj including presentation speeches and laureate’s biographies. Publ.for the Nobel foundation. [Topic l]: Physics, 1901-1921. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Proceedings of fire hazards and extinguishment conference. [Report from] Air force systems command, Brooks air force base,Texas. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)