Teknisk ståbi. Opslagsbog for ingeniører, arkitekter, konstruktører o.a. Af C.G.Jensen og K.Olsen. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Porcelainfabrikken Norden a/S. Porcelainfabrikken Norden å/S 1916-1966. (Udsendt i anledning af å/S Porcelainfa-brikken Nordens 50-års jubilæum den 22. november 1966. Red.: A.W.Kjølby og S.Lykke Madsen). 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
SIAM journal on numerical analysis. A publication of the Society for industrial and applied mathematics. [Tidl.tit.: Society for industrial and applied mathematics. Journal. Series B: Numerical analysis] Philadelphia,Pa. 1966- 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Morris 85O. Austin 85O. Morris Mini-Coo-per. Morris Mini-Minor. Austin Mini. Austin Mini-Cooper. Auto-Reparaturanlei-tung. Zug u.å.[modt.1966]. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Transduktorschaltungen. Grundlagen und Wirkungsweise. 1966, Hartei, W.; Dietz, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Slovar’ deskriptorov po chimin i chimi-ceskoj promyslennosti. Red.: V.B.Marga-ritov i V.K.Selucenko. Moskva,Izd-co MNiitéchim,,,1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Electrons, neutrons and protons in engineering. A study of engineering materials and processes whose characteristics may be explained by considering the behavior of small particles when prouped into systems such as nuclei, atoms, gases, and crystals. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Technological forecasting in perspective. (A framework for technological forecasting. its techniques and organisation; a description of activities and annotated bibliography). By E.Jantsch. r 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
An outline for cooperative action on the determination of x-ray mass attenuation coefficients in the wavelength range from 0.5 to 100 A (25 to 0.12 keV). 1966, Heinrich, K.F.J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Das Kipp-Problem querbelasteter exzentrisch durch Normalkraft beanspruchter I-Träger bei Verzicht auf die Voraussetzung der Querschnittstreue. 1966, Fischer, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
A survey of the major indexing and abstracting services for library science and documentation. 1966, Whatley, H.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sadolins service-nyt. Udg.af Sadolin & Holmblad A/S. [Tidl.tit.: Sadolins indu-stri-nyt] 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Some effects of raised intrapulmonary pressure in man. [Ed.by] the Advisory group for aerospace research and development of the North Atlantic treaty organisation, ( 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)