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The mathematical apparatus for quantum-theories. Based on the theory of boolean lattices. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Strength and serviceability criteria. Reinforced concrete bridge members. Ultimate design. [Ed.by] U.S.department of commerce, Bureau of public roads. Washington, U.S.gvmt.prtg.off.,1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Outline of pulse circuits. Including problems with step-by-step solutions. 1966, Houpis, C.; Lubelfeld, J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Pederson,D.O., J.J.Studer and J.R.Vhinnery Introduction to electronic systems, circuits, and devices. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
An exact method to determine the forces on the clearance plane. Paper for the meet-ing of the CIRP in 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Chemie des Ingenieurs. Grundlagen zur Anwendung in der Technik. 1966, Brandenberger, E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Scheibe, Punkt und Hügel. Neue Wohnhoch-hüser. 1966, Hassenpflug, G.; Peters, P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Man-made lakes. (Proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal geographical society 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elsevier's nautical dictionary in five languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. V0I.3. 1966, Segditsas, P.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)