Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability. 5.symp., Berkeley,Calif. 1965/1966. Held at the Statistical laboratory, University of California.. With the support of University of California a.o. Proceedings. L.M.le Cam and J.Neyman. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Molecular spectra and molecular structure, l.ed. [Vo1.] 1. Princeton,N.J.,van Nostrand, 19 50(repr.1967). [Vol.J 1: Spectra of diatomic molecules. 15+' 1967, Herzberg, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Queuing theory. Recent development and applications. A conference, under the aegis of the NATO science committee, Lisbon 1965. R.Cruon. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Regional conference on water resources development in Asia and the Far East. 7.conf., Canberra,Australia 1966. Proceedings. [Organized by] United Nations, Economic commision for Asia and the Far East, ECAFE, Division of water resources development. 1967, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Gegliederte Windscheiben mit stufenartig veränderlichen Querschnittswerten. 1967, Rosman, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Leime und Kontaktkleber. Theoretische Grundlagen, Eigenschaften, Anwendung. 1967, Baumann, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)