incercârile maçinilor hidraulice §i pneu-mat ice. fAf] A.Barglâzan (~og andre]. Bucure§ti,Editura Tehnicâ,1959. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Ferskenbladlusen i bederoekuler i Nordjylland 1952-57® 4,beretning fra Virusud-valget 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
On the relation between pulp viscosity and paper strength of sulfate pulp degraded by chlorine-hypochlorite bleaching. Oslo 1959 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Periodical and non-periodical publications and other documents exchanged., List of titles January 1957 ~ December 1958® 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bituminous paving materials <> Symposium on methods of test for design of Bituminous paving mixtureso Symposium on practical and statistical significance of tests and properties of bituminous binders, Session on road and paving' .materials".. Philadelphia Pac, 1959o 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Stereobilder zeichnende Geräte. Ein Leitfaden für Bauingenieure,Architekten, Maschinenbauer sowie alle Fachkreise, die mit der räumlichen Darstellung technischer Gegenstände zu tun haben. 1959, Hildebrandt, T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bodine Electric Company,, Bennett,H,Fe Precision power, The first half century of Bodine Electric Company. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Exploding wires. Based on Conference on the exploding wire phenomenon, 1959. Conducted by Geophysics research directorate, Air force Cambridge research center and Lowell technological institute research foundation.. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Civil engineering contracts organization, London,Cleaver-Hume Press,Ltd,,1959. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Brennstofftechnische Gesellschaft der Deutschen demokratischen Republik 4,Wissenschaftliche Tagung am 25,und 26, September 1958 in Markkleeberg bei Leipzig 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)