The story of Hoover Dam. [] U.S.department of the interior. Washington,U.S.,1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Handbook of formulas for stress and strain. New York.Ungar,1966. 1966, Griffel, W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Cooperation, convertibility, and compatibility among information systems: a literature review. By M.M.Henderson a.o. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-russki j slovar' po chol-odil 'no j technike. Moskva,Izd-vo "Sovetskaja ênci-klopedija",1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Investigation of air pollution. National survey of smoke and sulphur dioxide. Monthly summary. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Avtomatizacija processov svarki i obrabotki davleniem. Red.: V.I.Dikusin. Moskva,Izd-vo "Nauka",1966. 25I s. 1 planche. [Med bibl.] 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Report on concrete practice. Report issued by the Institution of structural engineers in conjunction with the Cement and cincrete association. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Symposia on theoretical physics. [Tidl. tit.: Matscience symposia on theoretical physics] 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Friction and lubrication in metal processing. (Papers and discussions of the Symposium on friction and lubrication in metal processing held in conjunction with the Annual ASME spring lubrication symposium at New Orleans,La. 1966). F.F.Ling a.o. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
World road news. An international monthly review of developments in road construction and traffic engineering. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen über die Existenzbereiche der Eisenkarbide mit Hilfe der Elektronenmikroskopie und Elektronenbeugung. Von H. Schenck u.a. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Conduction calorimeter studies of the heat of hydration of a Portland cement. 1966, Danielsson, U., (Ikke digitaliseret)