Austin-Healey, 1959. Forlang: Katalog,Austin-Healey.1959. Står på sal. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
"Hi-Jet" system of cutting fluid application with carbide tools. Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire,Production Engineering Research Association (PERA),1959. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bibliography on the cold forming of metals with special reference to cold heading, roll forming and press-tool work. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Juhasz,K.J.De (Udg.) Spray literature abstracts. Publ.with the support of National science foundation by the American society of mechanical engineers. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Mission of a European technical information officer to Canada. Final report. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Kunstharzleimen und ihr Verhalten in Hochfrequenz -verleimungsanlagen. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Madame Prunier's fish cookery book. Selected, translated and edited, with an introduction and notes, from Les poissons, coquillages, crustacés et leur preparation culinaire par M.Bouzy. By A.Heath. Foreword by S.B.Prunier and decorations by M.Meheut. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elsevier's rubber dictionary in ten languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Swedish, Indonesian, Japanese. 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The effects of proton and neutron irradiations on an epoxy resin vacuum chamber proposed for the Harwell 7 GeV proton synchrotron. Harwell,Didcot,Berkshire, England,United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority,1959. 1959, Hadden, R.J.B.; Spittle, V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchung bestimmter gasförmiger Stoffe als Arbeitsmittel in geschlossenen Gasturbinen in Verbindung mit der Ausnutzung der Atomkernenergie 1959, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Mekanisk teknologi. Forelæsninger holdt ved Norges tekniske høgskole. 2.utg. hel 3. 1959, Lefring, N., (Ikke digitaliseret)