Hallgeneratoren. Eigenschaften und Anwendungen. 1968, Kuhrt, F.; Lippmann, H.J., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen räumlicher Gelenkwellensysteme von Drehgestell-Schienenfahrzeugen beim Bogenlauf unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Drehversatzwinkel. 1968, Koch, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Measurement and control. Journal of the Institute of measurement and control, [-idl.tit.: Society of instrument technology. Transactions] 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Mad til mange. Kostvejledning for institutioner. [Udg.af] Statens levnedsmiddelinstitut. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The primary structure of proteins. Principles and practices for the determination of amino acid sequence. 1968, Schroeder, W.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Practical course in storage and processing of fruit and vegetables. Publ.for the U.S. department of agriculture and the National science foundation, Washington by the Israel program for scientific translations. Springfield,Va. 1968. 1968, Shirokov, E.P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Institute of electronics and communication engineers of Japan. Transactions. Sect.A,B,C. Osaka 1968- Kun med japansk tekst. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Finnconstructor. Annual review on the building industry and civil engineering of Finland. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Clinica chimica acta. International monthly of clinical chemistry. Amsterdam 1968- Den løbende årg. udlånes ikke. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Uzbekskij chimiceskij zurnal. Taskent 1968-God izd. 12-j- Den løbende årg.udlånes ikke. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
National bureau of standards. Journal of research. [Tidl.tit.: National bureau of standards. Journal of research. B: Mathematics and mathematical physics]. Section B: Mathematical sciences. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)