Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Abstracts of theses ... the Doctor's degree. Doctor of Philosophy and Science. Accepted in 1951-1952. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Surface contamination. Proceedings of a symposium held at Gatlinburg,Tenn. 1964. B.R.Fish. Oxford,Pergamon press, I 1967. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Êlektronno-dyrocnye perechody v polu-provodnikach. Taskent,Izdat.Akad.Nauk Uzbekskoj SSR,19ô2. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Buchta,, Gs- Der Durchgang get-rägerter Impulse durch Schaltungen mit treppenförmig oder linear ansteigender Gruppenlaufzeit0 (Ikke digitaliseret)
Slovar inojazySnych vyrazenij i slov, upotreblja-jusSichsja v russkom jazyke bez perevoda. Izdat.: Akademija Nauk SSSR, Institut Russkogo Jazyka. Moskva,Nauka,!9^6. Babkin, A.M.; Sendecov, V.V., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Historical motor scrapbook. 250 early cars and motorcycles illustrated. Include Ford n2" and n6n, Chevrolet V-8, e-lectrics, steamers. (No.1). Los Angeles, Calif.,Clymer,19^^. 15^ s. , , Clymer, F., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Night visibility 1983 and. 1964. 10 reports. Presented at the 43.annual meeting, 1984 and 44.annual meeting, 1965- (Ikke digitaliseret)
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, Annual reports to the Governor of California by the Director of Public Works, Report 1-5, 1953-57. San Francisco 1954-58. [i 5 bd,] + 1 hefte: Report on examination of statements relating to traffic, revenues and revenue funds, 1958-1959. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Produkt ions økonomi 338.9 Rentabilitet, produktionens Afskrivningsproblemer Slidproblemer, almene (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kunststoff und Gummi. K und G. Internationale Zeitschrift für Maschinen, Anlagen und Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von Kunststoff und Gummi. Aachen- 1964-1967, Jahrg.3-6. Forts.m.tit.: Kunststofftechnik. l.rev. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Protecting the library and its resources. A guide to physical protection and insurance. Report on a study conducted by Gage-Babcock & associates,inc. (Ikke digitaliseret)