Werkstoffe der Feinwerktechniko Vorträge der VDI-Tagung V1111ngen 1959, Düsseldorf 1960o (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elektromagnetiske bølger. [Bd.]2. København,Akademisk forlag,1§67. [Bdf] 2: Vektorsymboler og vektoroperationer. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Oxide films on stainless steelso A paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Conference,National Ass, of Corrosion Engineers,Chicago,111,,1955, U,st, 1956- (Ikke digitaliseret)
Diffusion in body-centered cubic metals. Papers presented at the International conference on diffusion in body-centered cubic materials, Gatlinburg,Tenn. 1964. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Science lifts the veil. A series of broadcast talks on the conquest of the sub-visible universe. (Ikke digitaliseret)
A textbook of sound. Being an account of the physics of vibrations with special reference to recent theoretical and technical developments. (Ikke digitaliseret)