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Gummi "bel ag te og PVC-belagte textilstoff er samt PVC-folier Se Danmarks Textilfagskole. Den danske Væveskole. Indføring i gummibelagte og PVC-belagte textilstoffer ... 677 Da-n Æske Ko^l (Ikke digitaliseret)
Utilization of thorium in power reactors. Report of a panel held in Vienna, 14-18 June 1965. (Ikke digitaliseret)
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The Bryant and May Museum of Fire-making Appliances. Catalogue of the exhibits. London,Bryant & May,Bow1926 Christy, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Iron and steel engineer. Engineering service to the iron and steel industry since 1907. Pittsburgh,Pa. 1966-1969. (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die design handbook. A practical reference book on process analysis, product design, metal movements, materials and proved die designs for every class of sheet-metal pressworking. F.W,Wilson,P.D.Harvey and C.B.Gump,jr. (Ikke digitaliseret)
^Kongresaer. International congresses on cybernetics. Congres internationaux de cybernétique. Association Internationale de Cybernétique. 2.congr.,Namur, 1958. Proceedings. Namur 1960. (Ikke digitaliseret)