C.S.T.C. revue. Publ.par Centre scientifique et technique de la construction. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Pressure vessel codes: their application to nuclear reactor systems. Findings from a survey by the International atomic energy agency. Vienna 1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
An investigation of the crack control characteristics of various types of bar in reinforced concrete beams. By G.D. Base a.o. (London) 1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Lighting of libraries. Prepared by a panel of the Technical committee of the Illuminating engineering society ... by A.H.Olson a.o. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Sassor,H.-J., H.Krause und G.Kaminsky Auswirkungen mechanischer Schwingungen auf den Menschen. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Annual road school. 52.[conf.], Purdue university, Lafayette,Ind. 1966. Ed.by D.G.Shurig. Proceedings. Lafayette,Ind. 1966. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Opitz,H., W.Lehwald und W.-D.Neumann Untersuchungen über den Einsatz von Hartmetallen beim Schrupp- und Schlichtfräsen von Stahl mit Messerköpfen. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The seasonal variation of nightglow Nal 5890-96 A, [Ol] 5577 and [Ol] 6300 A in tropics. 1966, Smith, L.L.; Owen, R.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
UY-spektroskopische und präparative Untersuchungen an Monobromamin und verwandten Verbindungen. 1966, Lafrenz, C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
The chemistry of cellulose and wood. Jerusalem,Israel program for scientific translations,1966. 1966, Nikitin, N.I., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Geodæsi, bestemmelse af geoiden .) 528,2 Gravimetri, geodæsi .) Tyngdemåling, geodæsi .) Geodætiske koordinatsystemer Astronomiske stedsbestemmelser (på jordkloden) .) Vedr.litt.klass. før jan, 1966, se 526.1/.7 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Promyslennaja aêrodinamika. Vypusk 28. Moskva, Izd-vo "Masinostroenie" ,1966 Vypusk 28ï Ventiljatory. 1966, (Ikke digitaliseret)