Bibliography of scientific and technical bibliographies. By M.Bloomfield a.o. Part 1-2. [Report from] Hughes aircraft company, Culver City,Cal. Springfield,Va. 1968. Part 1: Accession list. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
European nuclear energy agency. (ENEA). Organisation for economic co-operation and development. (OECD). [Tidl.tit.: Organisation for economic co-operation and development, O.E.C.D. European nuclear energy agency, E.N.E.A. Report on the activities of the agency] Activity report. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Journal of macromolecular science. C: Reviews in macromolecular chemistry. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Giesserei-Kalender. Hrsg.: Verein deutscher Giessereifachleute E.V. Düsseldorf 1968- 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Wärme, Kälte, Schall, Fachherichte aus Isoliertechnik und Akustik. Ludwigshafen am Rhein 1968- Jahrg.13- 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hvad er vi med i. En oversigt over internationale organisationer og Danmarks placering i dem. [København],Borgen,1968. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Atomindex. International list of the documents that are available from the IAEA microfiche service. [] International atomic energy agency. 1968, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die Kunststoffverarbeitung und -schweis-sung. (Polyvinylchlorid, Polyäthylen, Po-lymethacrylat, Polyamid, Polyesterharz). Probleme der Praxis und ihre Lösungen. 1968, Schräder, W., (Ikke digitaliseret)