Monierkonstruktionerne : Den Nye Byggemetodes Epokegjørende Betydning og Anvendelse 1893, Kolderup, Edvard
Betænkning fra Ingeniørforeningens Udvalg om Ordningen af Den Polytekniske Læreanstalts Undervisning for Mekanikere 1893, Larsen, Poul; Hansen, Holger; Gottlob, J.; Garde, G.; Caroc, J.
Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building : of the World's Columbian Exposition Side 333, 1893, Elliott, Maud Howe
Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building : of the World's Columbian Exposition Side 332, 1893, Elliott, Maud Howe
Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building : of the World's Columbian Exposition Side 331, 1893, Elliott, Maud Howe
Art and Handcraft in the Woman's Building : of the World's Columbian Exposition Side 330, 1893, Elliott, Maud Howe
Le génie civil. Revue technique générale des industries françaises et étrangères. 1893, (Ikke digitaliseret)