Danmarks Handel og Industri

Forfatter: H. B. Krenchel

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: København

Sider: 234

UDK: 38(...)

Udarbejdet paa Handelsministeriets Foranstaltning

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The Lur Brand is as follows: DANMARK. Hermetically packed butter of foreign origin must when exported be marked with letters pressed in the packing: »Ikke Dansk — Not Danish — No Danesa«. Creameries, the butter of which is found at the surprise exhibition to be of inferior quality, are deprived of the use of the Lur Brand and thereby of the right to export their butter. In 1878 the Grosserer-Societetets Komite (The Merchants’ Guild of Copenhagen) established a committee for the quotation of butter prices, and ever since an official butter quotation has been fixed every Thursday. This »Københavns Smørnotering« (The Copenhagen Butter Quotation) which was originally intended only as a basis for fixing prices to be paid by exporters to producers for butter delivered weekly under current contracts, has gradually grown in importance through being used as a basis for sales f. o. b. to buyers in the United Kingdom. The price is stated in Kroner per 50 kilogram. In 1912 a special butter quotation called »Københavns Smørnotering ved Statistikudvalget« (The Copen- hagen Butter Quotation by the Statistical Committee) was established by the Dairy Associations. In connection with the Merchants’ Guild of Copenhagen there is an Arbitration and Judging Committee for the butter trade. The interests of the Danish agricultural export in the English mark- ets are attended to by an agricultural Commissioner living in London viz: Mr. Harald Faber, 7—8 Idol Lane, London E. C.