Danmarks Handel og Industri

Forfatter: H. B. Krenchel

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: København

Sider: 234

UDK: 38(...)

Udarbejdet paa Handelsministeriets Foranstaltning

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20 FISK OG FISKEPRODUKTER — FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS — POISSONS ET PRODUITS DE POISSON — FISCHE UND FISCHPRODUKTE. The fact that the Kingdom of Denmark partially consists of islands and the proximity of every part of the country to waters abounding in fish, makes the fishing industry a most important feature of the trade of the country, and large quantities of this commodity, live fish as well as killed fish, are annually exported. The statement below gives the yield of the salt-water fishery during lecent years. Total value .... 1915 26.525.000 1916 57.792.500 1917 35.159.9CX) Herrings and ma- ckerel amount- ed to 5.552.700 14.981.000 9.411.000 Cod and haddock amounted to . . 5.758.600 23.887.300 11.496.500 Flat fish amount- ed to Eels amounted to 8.570.000 4.817.500 8.676.200 8.023.500 6.189.600 6.432.300 The rest of the yield comprises salmon, trout, garfish and other kinds of fish as well as lobsters and shrimps. The proceeds of the oyster-beds in the Liim Fiord are not included in these statistics. This industry which is reserved by the Government, who leases it to the Limfjords- Østers-Kompagniet (the Liim Fiord Oyster Company), supplied 4.711.700 oysters during 1916—17. According to the Trade Returns of 1913 the export of Danish fish and shellfish amounted to a total of 11.816.000 Kr. The export com- prises chiefly plaice, eels, herrings (fresh and salted), cod, salmon and trout (fresh, salted and smoked), fresh-water fish and lobsters.