Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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times, but there should be, in addition, a reserve of
There is no surer way except by constant over-
loading, which has the same result, of making a delivery
service a failure, than by the employment of vans
which are under-powered for the transportation of
the maximum load for which they are designed by
the makers.
Power, Speed and Gear Ratio.
It is necessary to emphasize the faet that as power
and speed in all forms of engineering are inversely
proportional, the range of gear ratios provided on a
chassis affeets the question of power supply to a large
extent. Broadly speaking, the greater number of
gear ratios there are the better, since the wider variation
afforded between engine and vehicle speeds enables
the motor to be run more efficiently. The reason for
this is that as far as the internal combustion engine
is concemed it will, as a rule, give off its highest power
within a certain small range of piston speeds. This
range lies well above the minimum number of revolu-
tions per minute at which. the engine will run and pull,
and is yet below the maximum at which it is possible
to race it when running light. It will be clear then
that the ideal condition would be that under which
the driver, when ascending a hill, could keep the engine
running at the maximum of efficiency by frequent
changes of gear as the load on the engine tended to
reduce its speed. This condition is, however, not
realizable where gear wheels are employed, since the
construction of such a gear box would be impracticable
owing to cost, weight, and size. The above will,
nevertheless, instance the advantage of a four-speed
box over one fitted with only three, and the three-
speed model over the two-speed pattern. This is