Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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particularly applicable to medium and heavy-weight
The question of power and gearing enters all grades
of motor transport, and will be found to influence the
running cost sheets to a considerable degree. To
take an example, a van which is fitted with a com-
paratively small-capacity engine, and a two or even
three speed gear box, will often encounter a gradient
for which there is really no suitable gear ratio. The
slope will pro ve just too steep for the van to be driven
up on top gear without the engine being put under
excessive stress, while the next gear will be too low.
This entails one of two things. Either the driver
crawls because the engine is fitted with a governor
(or if it is not, because he is conscientious and likes
to treat his car well), or the engine is raced. and a fair
road speed is obtained. In the first case, valuable
time is lost, and the engine is probably not run at its
most efficient revolution rate ; in the second, unduly
high maintenance charges will result.
This matter is of greater importance than many
people apparently realize, and is worthy of thoughtful
consideration by all who, possessing or intending to
possess commercial motor vehicles, wish to • obtain
from them the greatest amount of work at the least
possible cost.