History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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— 69 — same machine various lengths of carriage may be used, “ thereby increasing its general usefulness, and virtually combining four machines in one.” Of course, the inter- changeability of carriages is no novelty, but in other machines it is necessary to have an instrument made to the size of the largest carriage to be used on it. Thus, a foolscap machine may serve its purpose two or three or even more years. Should, however, brief work suddenly loom in sight, the original machine becomes useless. But with the Fay-Sho, longer carriages may be subsequently acquired, and made full use of, although at the time of purchase no thought existed that anything larger than a post-card would ever be required. Fig. 54 Among other features of the Fay-Sho may be mentioned the following :— A platen pointer, which relieves the operator from the necessity of consulting front or platen scales in referring to work or in making corrections. The marginal stops are fixed to the front of the machine and are easily and quickly adjusted. A jumping or tabulating device foims part of the ma- chine, and operates rapidly and accurately without jar or risk of damaging the dogs. The ribbon is not automatic in the reverse movement, the makers considering this not to be a good feature. Their judgment in this respect differs from that of all their rivals. But before the ribbon has completed its complete travel from one spool to the other, there is a “ reverse-your- ribbon ” signal, which appears in the front of the machine, and thus gives the operator timely notice that his attention is required.