History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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— 70 — The accessibility of parts, as well as the solidity and strength of the typebar hangers ; the conveniently arranged paper fingers are also very noticeable and valuable features. The machine is equipped with the usual devices for writing on ruled lines, and for changing the line space, and the carriage can be released from either side, as may be desired or more convenient. Fig. 55 The Densmore. The essential feature of the Densmore typewriter, when first submitted to the public, was its supplemental type-bar, as shown in the accompanying figure. It is pointed out that the force of the finger raises this bar and enables the principal bar to gradually overcome the resistance or inertia which, in other instruments, can only be overcome by a sudden strain or jerk. The secondary bar slides upon the principal bar with gradually accelerated speed and force, and, taking off all lateral