History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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— 83 — of keys were attached to these bars at points which would secure equal leverage all over the keyboard. The parallel bars were made of steel and attached to the key levers by means of links rotating on rods passing through the machine from side to side. Not only did these bars equalise the touch, but they permitted the alternation of type-bar connections in such a way as to eliminate the risk of collisions. The type-bars were of steel, formed into proper shape by a drop forging process, which gave superior strength. The pivots were of highly tempered steel. The hangers were U-shaped, of best crucible steel, and an adjusting screw passed through the sides for the purpose of taking up any pivottai wear. Short type-bars are a great desideratum in all machines intended for rapid work. As, however, the large range of characters of the New Century would have increased the size of the type-basket to such an extent as to make the type-bars unwieldy, an extremely ingenious plan was adopted, whereby the hangers were arranged in two superimposed circles. With these short bars, long pivots, direct action, and freedom from jar, permanent alignment was claimed. The escapement was of the star-wheel variety, and the ribbon automatic in its action. The carriage was of aluminium silver, and very light in action, running on ball-bearings of novel design. The paper guides were adjustable, feed roll and scales, line- spacing, etc., all followed on standard lines. For convenience in stencil cutting, means were pro- vided for throwing the ribbon out of commission, thus saving time and soiling of the hands. Perhaps the most distinctly original device on this machine, however, was one for raising the front rail when a number of carbon copies were made. As is well-known, Fig. 67 when carbon work is required on machines of this class, Hie extra thickness of paper will increase the diameter 01 the platen and the printing point is thereby lowered,