History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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— 84 — so that the letters from the front portion of the type basket print slightly higher than they should, and those at the back print slightly lower. To obviate this special tracks (consisting of a strip of metal attached to the front rod) have been suggested. The New Century, however, provided a screw for raising the rod itself, so that the alignment could be maintained, irrespective of how many thicknesses of paper were in the machine. The keyboard extended to eighty-four characters, paper ioJ inches could be fed into the machine, with a writing line of 7I inches After a period of six or seven years, however, the machine was withdrawn from the English market, although its advertisements continued to appear in the American journals. The Smith Premier. The Smith Premier Typewriter was placed upon the English market about twelve years ago. It immediately assumed a place in the forefront of the “ best ” machines, where it stands to-day, in spite of the attacks of newer inventions, and the improvements of older ones. Events which have happened in the world’s history have given the Smith Premier a place among the classic instruments of warfare. For it was a Smith Premier that was shut up in Mafeking with Baden-Powell and upon which his famous “ Orders of the Day ” were produced from time to time. Little did it matter that the Smith was struck by a shell, which knocked the back-gear all to smithereens. Its case was pierced by Mauser bullets until it resembled a sieve more than a typewriter case. Mishaps like these were soon overcome, and the machine was not invalided home when the relief of Mafeking was effected, but, on the contrary, it took part in the long and arduous campaign which followed. It travelled over the “ illimitable veldt,” as Mr. Chamberlain would say ; it found itself in Rustenberg Gaol, where it was deposited for safe keeping ; and, indeed, as a writer recently stated, the Smith Premier came out of the Boer War with a far better reputation than many a noted general did. Its work, as it was performed from day to day during that wearisome siege, was afterward got together, and repro- duced in facsimile by the Smith Premier Typewriter Co., and is to-day one of the most interesting relics of that trying and anxious time. Even prior to the Boer War, the Smith took part in the battles of its native country. One of the machines