International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Class V. Grand Avenue, dark blue on plan. 129 *,M0nGXeInoek,\LrS2thZSie0 MSP® 1420 to?8 Sross> buiIt by Caird & Co., uiecuocii, tor the l.O.M.S.P. Co. for service between Liverpool and IrIp of deIS mld- 15i' Engine«, 1st knots. ° F Boilers, working pressure 90 lbs. Speed ‘ Umbria, 1884.—Steel Screw Steamer, 8128 tons gross, built by J. Elder & Co Fairfield, for the New York service of the Cunard Company. Length 519'” breadth mid 57 , depth mid. 40'. Engines, inverted s.c. of 14,000 I HP Nino Boders, working pressure 110 lbs. Speed, at trial, 20 knots. Although almost 17 yeais old, this well-known Atlantic liner, with her sister ship “Etruria ” has maintained regular service. 1 Etruria, “Victoria” and “Britannia,” 1887.-Steel Screw steamer, 6257 tons cross K bryeadath V' C°^8 Australian’ service> L?ng& SnVÄ d 5^’ d<3pth 3b- En8lne8> triple-expansion S.C., 7000 HP Six D.E. Boilers, working pressure 150 lbs. Speed 17 knots. ‘ Paris, 1888. —Steel Twin Screw Steamer, 10 669 tons gross (at first the “City of Paris” with her sister ship the ‘ City of New York, ” built the year previous the pioneer twin screw express mail and passenger steamers), built by J. & G Thomson for the International Navigation Co.’s Atlantic Passenger service. S H p ° Ni’n^n pdtRn3l ’ depth Engines’ 2 sets> triple-expansion 8. C. of 20,000 ’ p’ Nme d.e. Boilers, working pressure 150 lbs., speed 21 knots. This vessel inHMarchheri890e he/ rccord> sustained » very serious breakdown i Match, l»90, her starboard engines being entirely wrecked was purchased by the American Line and known as the “Paris;” was employed as an armed cruiser during the Spanish-American War. Some time a4 she ran ei ^a.nacl,es’ *?ut was successfully floated and towed to Belfast, where she has completed extensive repairs, and been renamed the “ Philadelphia. ” France, 1890. Steel Sailing Ship 3781 tons gross (the largest 5-mastcd sailina ship of her time) built by ft & W. HeSdersori & Co f for A D Bordes & Length 3^5VCT’fafht\«rlt?te?rade’ between South America and France, double bottom fo^and W 1°'^ Four W‘T‘ bu,khead«> continuous aouble bottom fore and aft, and deep hold tanks. Is still afloat Liverpool, 1889.—Iron Four-Masted Sailing Ship, 3396 gross, 3134 net resistor- L?verDoolRUR?1-? C°/> Port'Glasg°w, for the Leyland Shipping Co., Lnnited’ Liverpool. Registered dimensions, length 333 2, width 47 9, depth 26 5 ’ “ Em?-Empress k"? OthCr8- Naval Construction and Armaments Com»™ butho 4i •Boiiera- f°“ »WÄÄtÄ deptlTYoÅ^0m,SnPRArdrOSSan anclArran serviee- Length 260', breadth 30', depth 10J . Engines, comp. d.a. diag. on 2 cranks, 3100 H.P. One u.E. and 1 S.E. Boiler, working pressure 150 lbs. Speed on trial, 19£ knots. “ Lueania,” 1893 —Twin Screw Steamer, 12,950 tons gross, 21,920 tons displacement ShtobuHdinffCn 8hiP * ^mpania.” °[ the year previous, built by the Fairfield fnr C? g ComPany> Glasgow, to the order of the Cunard Steamship Company their express mail and passenger service between Liverpool and New York Lengtih over *11 622|, breadth mid. 65' 3", depth mid. 43'P Engines of 30 000 i.n.P. comhmed ; cyIs two high press. 37", intermediate 79", two low-press 98" all with stroke of 5' 9". Boilers, 12 cylindrical of 165 lbs. working pressure average speed, 22 knots. The “ Campania ” made the fastest “ maiden ” Atlantic passage on record crossing from Queenstown to Sandy Hook (distance run 2865 knots) in 6 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes ; and in returning home made the then best eastward passage m 5 days 17 hours 27 minute 8. Subsequent passages were even faster, and the “ Lucama ” surpassed even this. 0 E