International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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r 4^ Second Floor. Art Galleries.
South Saloon.
The Educational Department is in Second Floor of South Saloon in Art Galleries.
The space allocated to Primary and Secondary Education, consists of the south
portion of the central room in the Second Floor of the Art Galleries. It is well
lighted, and is approached by wide staircases at the East and West ends.
The space is divided by partitions from floor to ceiling into eight alcoves nearly
nine feet deep. Tables, two feet broad, extend round the three sides of each alcove.
Additional table and wall space has also been secured by closing up the windows on the
North side of two wings of the room. The total wall space is not more than 850
square feet, and the total table space does not exceed «500 square feet. The Educational
Committee, however, believe that the arrangements they have made have enabled them
to offer a fairly complete demonstration of what is going on in Scottish Schools.
The following is the arrangement adopted:—Entering from the West Staircase
the visitor finds the series of alcoves on his right hand, each alcove receiving abundant
light through the South windows.
Alcove No. I. contains Illustrations of the various kinds of work found in the
Infant Departments of Schools. This compartment may be described as
The Kindergarten Alcove.
Alcove No. II. includes exhibits from the JUNIOR DIVISIONS of Primary
Schools. In addition to specially prepared specimens of Drawing and
Educational Hand-work, there will be found Albums containing typical
examples of exercises in most of the subjects of instruction dealt with in
First, Second, and Third years of the Junior Division of Scottish Schools.
In compiling these Albums, the Committee collected from the classes of
many Primary Schools, certain exercises of the ordinary class type ; and the
Albums are arranged to shew the work of consecutive years.
Alcove No. III. contains similar exhibits from the SENIOR DIVISIONS of Primary
The Exhibits of Alcoves Nos. IV. and V. illustrate the curriculum of
“ Higher Departments, ” “Higher Grade Schools,” “Schools of Science,”
and SECONDARY SCHOOLS generally. Most of the Söhools here repre-
sented show Albums of class and examination work.
Alcove No. VI. contains certain additional exhibits, mainly English, relative to
Secondary Education. There are also exhibits from St. George’s Training
College, Edinburgh; the Glasgow Training Colleges, the University of
Grenoble, and the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Note.—The table and wall spaces opposite Alcoves No. I. and No. VIII.
are occupied with part of this exhibit.
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