International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Irish Pavilion
dark blue on plan.
67 The Barrow Steam Navigation Company, Barrow-in-Furness. — Full
Model S.S. “Duchess of Devonshire.” (Cross Channel.)
68 Burns, G. & J., Glasgow.—Full Model R.M.s. “Adder,” tonnage 981, speed
19 knots. (Belfast and Glasgow Daylight Service).
69 City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, Dublin.—Model of Mail Steamers,
“Ulster,” “Leinster,” “Munster,” and “Connaught,” each with a tonnage 3000,
speed 24 knots. (Holyhead aucl Kingston.)
70 City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, Dublin. —Model s. s. “Louth, ”
Passenger and Cargo, tonnage about 1,270, speed 15 knots. (Dublin and
71 Dublin & Glasgow Steam Packet Company (“Duke” Line), Dublin.—Model
s S. “Duke of Rothesay,” tonnage 1,225, speed 16 knots. (Dublin and
Glasgow.) .
72 Dublin & Glasgow Steam Packet Company (“ Duke” Lino), Dublin. —Model
s.S. “Duke of Fife,” tonnage 1,110. (Dublin and Glasgow.)
73 City of Cork Steam Packet Company, Cork.—Full Model s. s. “Innisfallen. ”
(Cork and Milford.)
74 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Company, Manchester.—Full Model
Mail S.S. “Duke of Cornwall.” (Fleetwood and Belfast.)
75 Larne & Stranraer Joint Steamship Company, Belfast. — Full Model
Paddle S.S. “Princess Victoria. ” (Larne and Stranraer.)
76 Cork Steamship Co., Ltd., Cork.—Half Model s.S. “ Cormorant, ” tonnage 1,591,
speed II2 knots. (Liverpool and Antwerp).
77 Laird, Alex. A., & Co., Glasgow.—Half Model S.S. “Fern,” tonnage 510, speed
12 knots. (Dublin, Londonderry, Coleraine, and Glasgow.)
78 British & Irish Steam Packet Company, Dublin.—Half Model s.s. “Lady
Roberts,” tonnage 1,642, speed 13 knots. (Dublin and Plymouth.)
V arious.
79 Power & Son, sir John, Distillers, Dublin.—Manufacture of Whiskey—
Material and Process.
79 ß M'Carthy, T., Angler’s Rest, Waterville.—Salmon and Trout Flies, suitable to
all localities.
81 Musgrave & Co., Belfast.—Model of Musgrave’s Stable, consisting of three
stalls and two loose boxes.
82 Musgrave & Co., Belfast—“ Ulster” Ventilating Fan.
83 Ward & Partners, Belfast.—Window in Leaded Glass.
84 Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, Dublin.—Map, showing Co-
operative Societies, Agricultural Banks, and Home Industries Societies
affiliated to the I.A.O.S.
Stones Minerals.
85 Glanville, E. S., Dublin.—Polishod Specimens of 14 different Irish Marbles
(slabs and columns).
86 Congested Districts Board for Ireland, Dublin. — Copper, Lead, Iron,
Sulphur, Marble, Granite.
85 b Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland.—
Casts of Gold Nuggets from Co. Wicklow.
88 Prior Wandesforde, R. H., Castlecomer.—Two Specimens of Anthracite Coal.
89 Lieutenant-Colonel B. Gaele Humfrey, Cavanacor, Ballindrait, Co. Done-
gal.—Granite, rough and polished.
90 Grant, J. & F., Kieselguhr Mines, Toome Bridge, Co. Antrim.—Diatomite
(Non-conducting material).