International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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dark blue on plan. Irish Pavilion. 173
89 Watson, G. A., & Co., Ltd., Liverpool.—Paving Materials and Bricks from
Co. Clare. (See Flags and Curbstones at Entrance.)
90 The Earl Of Leitrim, Mulroy, Milford, Co. Donegal.—Specimens of Grey
Granite and Plumbago.
91 Quinn, Patrick, Mount Charles, Co. Donegal.—Specimens of Freestone and
92 Lord Monteagle Of Brandon.—Specimens of Limestone from Foynes, Co.
93 Antrim Iron Ore Company Ltd., Belfast.—Specimens of Broughshane, Park-
more, and Glenarm Iron Ores; and Aluminous Ore.
94 Magheramorne Lime Company, Magheramorne, via Belfast.—Specimen of
W hite Limestone for Quicklime ; Flint used, for Pottery.
95 The Arigna Mining Company Ltd., Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim.—Specimens
of Coal, Ironstone and Ore, Fire Clay, Flag Stones and Building Stone.
96 The Granite Quarries Company Ltd., Black Sod Point, Co. Mayo.—Granite
Kerbs and Sets.
97 M‘Auliffe, J., Rithmullen, Co. Donegal—Oxide of Iron for Gas Purifying.
98 Donegal Soap Stone Syndicate, Ltd., Manchester.—Samples of Soap-stone,
as mined at Crohy Head Mines, Co. Donegal.
99 Woodside, James c., Ballyeastle, Co. Antrim.—Limestone and Square Sets.
100 Benduff Slate Company, Roscarberry, Co. Cork.—Slates.
101 Valencia Slate & Slab Quarries, Valencia Island, Co. Kerry.—Slate Slabs,
Rooting, and School Slates.
102 Madranna Slate Co., Cork.
103 The National Industries of Ireland Corporation, Ltd., 13 Abchurch Lane,
London —Flag Stones, Paving Sets, Kerb Stones, Building Stones, Coal and
Iron Stones.
104 Courtenay, Colonel.—Columns and Slabs of Galway Granite.
105 Bracken, John, Cashel Lodge, Lanesboro.—Building Stone.
106 Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland,
Dublin. —Fisheries.
107 The Congested Districts Board for Ireland.—Models, etc.
108 The Earl Of Leitrim.—Photographs of Donegal Scenery.
109 M‘Keown, R. H., Leenane, Killary Bay, Co. Galway.
110 Spamount Woollen Company, Castledcrg. Co. Tyrone.
111 Cogan, J., & Son, Midlcton, Co. Cork.
112 Hamilton & Co., White House, Portrush.
113 Convoy Woollen Mills, Convoy, Co. Donegal.
114 Heaton, S., & Sons, Lough Mills, Athlone.
115 Sheehan, C. J., & Sons, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
116 Cormick, Cannon, Glenties, Co. Donegal.
117 Timony, James, & Co., Donegal.