International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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A dvcrtisements. 365 Telegraphic Addroe! Telephone No. 1380, “ Lacticinia, London.” Paddington. The Protene Co., Ltd., /©lift iproteib /ißanutacturers. Head Office, - 36 WELBECK STREET, LONDON, W. Branch, - 141 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. PROTENE—THE PURE MILK PROTEID. Though from the earliest times milk has been rightly placed in the front rank of food-substances, it is but recently that the cause of its nourishing value has been popularly understood. We now know that all foods owe their nourishing properties to the presence of a material called “ proteid ” > indeed, this substance is now regarded as indispensable to the maintenance of life. Protene is a natural food, like cheese and butter, being the unalloyed yield of pure fresh milk. Protene is a most nutritious, sustaining, and digestible food for invalid or healthy. The advantages which Protene is claimed to possess over and above all other forms of food may be thus briefly summarized :— Protene consists of practically pure proteid, or nourishing nitrogenous material. Protene will keep for any length of time, and is not affected by climate or temperature. Protene is the most concentrated form of food known. Protene can be added to any food, without altering the taste, but increasing the nutritive value to any desired extent. Protene is a food that is palatable for diabetic subjects. Protene is the best food for invalids and children. Protene is invaluable to travellers, explorers, and athletes. Protene has been found to be the best diet for those afflicted with gout, rheumatism, or corpulency. Protene the food for hunting, cycling, golfing, fishing, etc. Protene the food for those requiring nourishment in small bulk. Protene the food that may be taken as an addition to ordinary diet, or as a substitute for such, with green vegetables or fruit. Besides Protene in its pure state, i.e., powder, it is m.'de into a variety of Biscuits, Breads, Chocolates Jellies, etc.—See “Protene:” its History, Value, and Use (32 pages), which contains full Medical and Scientific Reports. Protene, numerous unsolicited testimonials and reports from eminent scientific and other authorities who vouch for the benefits derived from its use. Six Gold Medals and many other prizes awarded for Purity, Nutrition, and Excellence. The following awards were made to Protene at the Paris Exhibition, 1900 :— Gold Medal and Diploma of Honour. Four Silver Medals. Two Bronze Medals. Inspection of the Protene Product« by visitors to the Exhibition is invited, where samples may be obtained at Stall No. 142. Complete Analysis cf Protene Products. V 8 6 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 21 23 M 25 26 NAME OF PRODUCT. Protene Wheat Flour, - - Protene Household Bread (White), „ „ (Brown), tProtene Diabetic Bread, tProtene Almond Bread, Protene Gingerbread, ... tPure Protene Biscuits, tProtene Protene Protene Protene tProtene Protene Protene Protene Protene tProtene Protene Medical Biscuits, - Training Biscuits, • Luncheon Biscuits, Oatmeal Biscuits, - Fancy Biscuits (Diabe i< ), Victoria Biscuits, - Sponge Cakes, Salt Sticks, • Rusks, .... Diabetic Rusks, Sponge Rusks, Percentage Composition. rxiirogenous Matter (Proteids). Carbo-hydrates (Starch, Sugar). Mineral Salts. Non-nitrog-enous. Matter* 1 (Fats, etc.). Molstur«. 25 60 3 1 11 25 43 2 - 0 80 25 30 3 0 42 65 a trace 4 15 1« 60 0 4 11 25 25 54 2 5 14 60 a trace 4 28 8 50 10 3 29 8 50 20 2 22 6 40 26 2 21 11 45 25 2 23 6 40 16 2 36 « 30 87 2 20 11 25 66 1 0 18 35 40 3 18 4 30 42 2 18 8 50 16 2 27 5 25 59 1 0 15 • This non-nitrogenous matter is not convertible into sugar. t Products suitable in diabetes. (For Analysis of Fure Protene, se« “Lancet” Report.)