International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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366 A dvertisements. Plasmon. This new food preparation is one which contains, in the minimum of bulk, the maximum of nourishment. Plasmon is obtained from pure fresh milk. It consists of the albumen or proteids of the milk, together with salts (phosphates), in the form of a dry granular powder, soluble in water. All life depends on albumen in a soluble form ; every tissue in the human body requires to be fed with albumen in order to maintain the vital functions. Milk is known to be the natural source of this albumen for mankind, and in Plasmon this albumen is found—as Dr. Virchow states— in its natural unaltered condition, being soluble in water without the aid of chemicals. The albumen of Plasmon is entirely available for the building up of the human system, whether it be run down by disease and sickness or by hard work—mental or physical. It supplies al) the elements which go to form muscle, bone, nerve, and brain. Plasmon imparts tone and energy to the entire muscular system, and also acts as a stimulant. In itself, it supplies the very nutriment in which many foods are deficient, and others lack entirely. Plasmon, in the granulated form, may be added to all kinds of food with most beneficial results. Combined with Cocoa in the form of Plasmon Cocoa, a perfect food is obtained. ’ PLASMON COCOA is the most nutritious, easily digested, and palatable Cocoa on the market. It is free from an excess of fat and entirely free from sugar, and can be used with perfect safety by all. PLASMON CHOCOLATE is a most compact form of nourishment, and forms a perfect food for Travellers, Huntsmen, Cyclists, and Athletes. BEEF PLASMON contains Plasmon to the extent of 80 per cent, with 20 per cent, of Meat Extract. This forms what Baron Liebig would call a perfect meat preparation, as it contains more albumen than any other meat preparation. PLASMON BISCUITS (sweet and unsweetened) are prepared with flour; they contain 20 per cent. Plasmon. Wholemeal Biscuits are also made, and prove a most valuable article of diet to persons with feeble digestion. PLASMON DIABETIC BISCUITS are absolutely free from sugar and starch, and form a most palatable article of diet. PRICES. PLASMON GRANULATED POWDER.—In packets, about J lb., gd.; A lb., is. ad.; and i lb., 2s. 6d. (Each packet contains full directions how to use Plasmon). PLASMON COCOA.—In tins, about | lb., Qd.; | lb., is. 4d.; and 1 lb., 2s. 6d. PLASMON CHOCOLATE (25 per cent. Plasmon).—In tablets. Very good quality, 3s. per lb.; extra fine quality, 6s. per lb. BEEF PLASMON.—In sealed glass jars, 2 oz., gd.; lb., is. 4d.; and J lb., 2s. 6d. PLASMON BISCUITS.—Plain or Sweet (20 per cent. Plasmon).—In tins, 1 lb., is. 6d,; 2 lbs., 3s. In bulk, 6 lb. tins at is, per lb. Tin is. extra. PLASMON WHOLEMEAL BISCUITS (20 per cent. Plasmon). — In tins, 1 lb., Is. 2d.; and 2 lbs., 2s, 4d. In bulk, 6 lb. tins at lod. per lb. Tin is. extra. SPECIAL DIGESTIVE PLASMON BISCUITS.-In 1 lb. tins, at 2s. PLASMON DIABETIC BISCUITS.—3s. 6d. per tin. Sold by all CHEMISTS, GROCERS, STORES, Etc. JE5 M iP £■ EE S. Samples of Plasmon Powder, Biscuits, and Chocolate, is., post free; Small Box of Samples, 6d.; Plasmon Cocoa, 5d., post free; Beef Plasmon, gd., post free. Free Samples are supplied to members of the Medical Profession, Nurses, and Principals of Public Institutions. For further particulars and scientific reports (post free) apply to INTERNATIONAL PLASMON, LIMITED, 54 and 56 Duke Strået, Grosvenor Square, London, W.