International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Glasgow » Smith-Western Railwag.
Route between Scotland and England, connecting at Carlisle with the Midlind
Railway, the principal termini being St. Enoch, Glasgow, and St. Pancras, London ;
and a Pull and Expeditious Service is given between Glasgow, Paisley, Greenock, Ayr,
Ardrossan, Kilmarnock, Dumfries, etc., and Liverpool, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield,
Bristol, Bath, Birmingham, London, etc.
DINING CARS (First and Third Class) by the Morning and Afternoon Expresses, and
SLEEPING CARS by the Night Expresses, in each Direction, between Glasgow (St. Enoch)
and London (St. Pancras).
New and Improved CORRIDOR CARRIAGES with Lavatory
Accommodation, by the Morning, Afternoon, aud Evening Expresses.
Passengers between Scotland and England by this, the most Picturesque Route, pass
through the heart of the Burns Country, and holders of Tourist Tickets to and from Glasgow, or
North thereof, are allowed to travel via Ayr (Burns’ Birthplace). Tickets are also valid for
break of journey at Dumfries Burns’ Burial-place).
The Glasgow and South-Western Line to Princes Pier Station. Greenock, is the most
convenient for visitors to the Watering Places on the Firth of Clyde and Western Highlands
and the Istands of Scotland, to and from which places regular'connections are maintained
by the Company’s magnificent Fleet of Steamers, as also by the “Columba," “ Lopl of the
Isles,” “Isle of Arran, etc.
All Passengers’ Luggage is removed from the Trains to the Steamers, and vice versa, free
of charge, by a special staff of attendants provided by the Company
Passengers holding Through Tickets to or from England, have the option of visiting
Glasgow, en route.
The most direct and expeditious route to the far-famed Island of Arran is by the
Company s new swift Paddle Steamer “ Glen Sannox," via Ardrossan ; and to Mil Ip it,
Campbeltown, etc,, via Fairlie, where the Company’s Trains run alongside the Steamers.
Passengers desirous of visiting the Ayrshire Coast Towns and places on the Company’s
Line, which are full of Associations of the Poet Burns, and famous in history and romance,
will find that the Company provide an excellent service of Express Trains from Glasgow
and Paisley, composed of carriages of the most modern type, to Kilwinning, Stevenston,
Saltcoats, Ardrossan, West Kilbride, Fairlie, Largs, Irvine, Troon, Prestwick and Ayr, all of
which places can be reached within the hour. There is also a service of Past Trains to Pinnjore,
Pin wherry, Barrhill, New Luce, and Stranraer. From Stranraer, Steamboat connections are
formed to Ireland, via Larne, the open sea passage being only 80 minutes.
GOLFERS will find Links of the highest order at Johnstone, Stevenston, West Kilbride,
Largs. Bogside, Gailes, Barassie, Iroon, and Prestwick. For descriptive notes on the various
Links served by the Company’s Trains, see the Guide to the Golfing Resorts issued by the
Company free of charge.
The Company have Hotels at Glasgow (St. Enoch), Ayr, and Dumfries, under their
own management. These Hotels will be found replete with aH mockrn conveniences and
comforts. Excellent cuisine aud a moderate tariff existing throughout.
Glasgow, DAVID COOPER, General Manager.