International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
SUBJECT INDEX OF EXHIBITS. For Foreign Exhibits see respective Sections. Aerated Water, Unfermented Wines, etc. Stand No. Page 153 Barrie, George & Peter, Glasgow - 74 119 Corry, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Belfast - 71 147 Johnston, Baird & Co, Glasgow - 74 120 Schweppes, Ltd, Glasgow - - - 72 Agriculture and Horticulture—Seeds, Manure and Implements. 30 Agricultural Research Asso., Glasgow 65 415 Avery, W. & T., Ltd, Birmingham - 97 511 British Hydraulic Foundry Company, Ltd, Glasgow - - - - 106 590 Champion Friction Clutch Company, Ltd, Sheffield - - - .114 38 Chemical Fertilizer Assoc, Glasgow - 66 132 Cranston’s Tea Rooms, Ltd, Glasgow 72 428 Crossley Bros, Ltd, Manchester - 98 36 Cross, Alex., & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow - 65 1049 Davies & Sneade, Liverpool - - 163 11 Dobbie & Co, Rothesay 64 379 Dougall, J., &Sons, Ltd, Bonnybridge 94 45 Drummond & Sons, Ltd, Dublin - 66 Stand No. 161 Buchanan, John, & Bros, Ltd,Glasgow 121 Fry, J. S., & Sons, Ltd, London 608 Gray, John, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 131 Gum Tragasol Supply Company, Ltd, Liverpool - 124 Herbert, Geo., Ltd, Glasgow - 145 Klaus, J., London - 155 M'Call & Stephen, Glasgow 613 Montgomerie & Co, Ltd Partick 596 Morton, Robt., & Sons, Wishaw 255 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale So- ciety, Ltd, Glasgow ... 123 Skinner, Wm., & Son, Ltd, Glasgow 145 Société Anonyme des Fabriques de Cho- colat et Confiserie, Le Locle, Suisse 37 Spratt's Patent, Ltd London - 609 Stewart & Young, Glasgow Sundry Exhibits—French Section 162 United Co-operative Baking Society, Ltd, Glasgow Page 75 72 US 72 72 73 74 116 114 83 72 Ir5 195 75 380 Fry, Sir Theodore, & Co, Ltd, Dar- lington .................................94 34 Gartons, Ltd, Warrington - - - 65 191 Garroway, R. & J., Glasgow - - 77 220 Gilligan & Son, London 80 14 Glasgow Dairy Company, Glasgow - 64 167 Laidlaw, Mackill, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 75 6to Mather & Platt, Ltd.. Manchester, - 116 18 MacLellan, P. & W., Ltd, Glasgow - 64 42 Morris, Little & Son, Ltd, Doncaster 66 43 Natural Fertilizer Company, Glasgow 66 44 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd, London - 65 35 PermanentNitrateCominittee,London 65 1022 Pollock, Alex., Tarbohon - - - 162 43 Robertson, Alex., Oban 66 16, 1012 St Mungo Poultry Co, Glasgow 64, 161 12 Spiers & Co, Glasgow 64 37 Spratt’s Patent, Ltd, London - - 66 32 Sulphate of Ammonia Committee, London ..... 65 Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 176 Sundry Exhibits—French Section - 195 Sundry Exhibits—Russian Section - 192 r 46 Thorley, Joseph, Ltd, London - - 66 39 Tomlinson & Hayward, Ltd, Lincoln 66 33 Verkaufs Syndikat, Germany - - 65 13 Wallace, John, & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow 64 31 Wright, R. Patrick, Glasgow - - 65 Artists’ Materials. 96 Gillott, Joseph, & Sons. Birmingham- 69 101 Ilardtmuth, L. & C., London - - 70 193 Hinshelwood, Thos., & Co, Glasgow 77 107 Morison Bros, Glasgow - - - 70 288 Stewart Bros, Glasgow 86 Assurance Companies. 1021 General Accident Assurance Co, Ltd, Glasgow,................................162 Baking and Confectionery and Baking Machinery. Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Motor Carriages, etc. 590 Champion Friction Clutch Company, Ltd, Sheffield - - - - 114 813 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, Ltd, Glasgow .... 12a 818 Electrical Power Storage Co, Ltd, London..........................120 262 MacLellan, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - 83 819 Mitchell, Robert, & Son, Glasgow - 120 803 Preston Davies Tyre and Valve Co,Ltd 118 802 Stirling'sMotorCarriages, Ltd, Glasgow 118 801 Swift Cycle Co, Ltd, Coventry - - 118 , Books and Bookbinding. 102 Bryce, David, & Son, Glasgow - — 112 Cassell & Co, Ltd, London — . 97 Chambers, W. & R., Ltd,'Edinburgh no Frowde, Henry, London - 111 StGlasgow School of Art ... 98 MacLehose, Jas., & Sons, G1 isgow - 111 MacNiven & Cameron, Ltd, Edinburgh 114 Morrison, G. & M., Glasgow 94 National Bible Society of Scotland - Sundry Exhibits—French Section 109 Wilson, Walker, & Co, Ltd, Leeds - 70 71 71 156 70- 71 71 69 *95 70 607 Assafrey, Alex. T., Glasgow - - 115 156 Brownlie. Jas., & Son, Glasgow - 74 I Brewing and Distilling, etc., and Appliances. 133 Anderson & Shaw, Glasgow - - 73 138 Dewar, John, & Sons, Ltd, Perth - 70 164 Dunville & Co, Ltd, Belfast - - 7- 329 Eoulds, William, & Co, Ltd, - . 89 150 Gemmell, Robt. P., Glasgow - - < 74 126 Glendinning, W., & Sons, Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne - - - 72 276 King Wm., Glasgow 85 149 Lauder, Archd., Glasgow - - . 476 M'Glashan, John, & Co, Glasgow - 103 412 Millar, John, & Co, Glasgow - -07 128 Mitchell & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - ya 118 Old “ Bushmills” Distillery Company Ltd, Belfast - - ' ’ 7I 122 Roger, Jas H., Glasgow • - - 72 129 South Australian Government Depart. 72 Sundry Exhibits—French Section - 195 Sundry Exhibits—Russian Section - 192b'