International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Exhibits.
Bricks, Tiles, Slates and Machinery
connected therewith.
Stand No. Page
87 Bourtreehill Coal Co, Dreghorn - 68
82 Buick, Chas., & Sons, Alloa - - 68
377 Castlecary Fireclay Company, Ltd,
Castlecary ----- 94
i Cory Bros & Co., Ltd, Cardiff - - - 63
1049 Davies & Sneade, Liverpool - - 163
379 Dougall, J., & Sons, Ltd, Bunnybridge 94
83 Doulton & Co, Ltd, London - - 68
589 Fawcett. Thos C., Ltd, Leeds - - 114
90 Gartcraig Fireclay Co, Ltd, Glasgow- 69
91 Glenboig Union Fireclay Co, Ltd,
Glasgow ----- 69
92 Hurll, Peter & Mark, Glasgow - - 69
7 Luke, F. R. & C. H., & Co, Glasgow 63
371 M'Culloch. Andrew, Glasgow - - 93
214 Pilkington’s Tile and Pottery Co,
Ltd, Manchester 79
378 Stephens & Co, Kidwelly 94
84 Twyfords, Ltd, Hanley 68
Carriages, Carts, Stable Requisites,
Saddlery Harness etc.
540 Anti-Friction Alloys, Ltd, London - 109
415 Aveiy, W. & T., Ltd, Glasgow - - 97
511 British Hydraulic Foundry Co, Ltd,
804 Buchanan, J., & Co, Glasgow - - 118
590 Champion Friction Clutch Co, Ltd,
259 Clyde Rubber Works Company, Ltd,
489 Cooke, W., & Co. Ltd, Sheffield - 104
814 Dove, John, Glasgow- - - - 120
806 Dove, J. & T. A., Glasgow - - 118
813 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co, Ltd.Lond 120
44 Errington, Roger, Sunderland - - 66
810 Henderson. Jas., & Co, Glasgow - 119
141 Heinz, H. J., & Co, London - - 73
193 Hinshelwood, Thos., & Co, Glasgow 77
811 Holmes, Wm., Irvine ... ng
92 Hozier Engineering Co, Glasgow - 69
820 Kelly, J. H., Glasgow - - - 120
808 MacNaughton, J., & Rankine, Glasgow 119
805 M'Donald, David, Glasgow - 118
18 MacLcllan, P. & W., Ltd, Glasgow - 64
819 Mitchell, Robert, & Son, Glasgow - 120
523 M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Ltd,Glasgow 107
519 Macfarlane, Walter, & Co, Glasgow - 107
815 Owen, Joseph, &Sons, Ltd, Liverpool 120
816 Ogilvie, A., & Co, Glasgow - - 120
41 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd, London - 66
812 Robertson, John, Glasgow- - - 119
J2 Spiers & Co, Glasgow - - - 64
Sundry Exhibits—Canadian S -ction - 176
13 Wallace, John, & Sons, Glasgow - 64
807 Wilson, Robert, Glasgow - - - 118
Chemistry-Applied and Manufacturing.
30 Agricultural Research Asso.. Glasgow 65
196 Brunner, Mond & Co, Ltd, Northwich 77
38 Chemical Fertilizer Assoc., Glasgow - 66
191 Ganoway, R. & J., Glasgow - - 77
180 Kolawitch Co, Ltd, Nottingham - 76
42 Morris, Little & Son, Ltd, Doncaster 66
40 Natural Fertilizer Co, Glasgow ■ - 66
41 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd. London - 66
35 Permanent Nitrate Committee - - 65
178 Riley, John, & Sons, Accrington - 76
43 Robeitson, Alex , Oban 66
194 Smith, T. & H., & Co, Edinburgh - 77
32 Sulphate of .Ammonia Committee,
Stand No. Page
39 Tomlinson & Hayward, Ltd, Lincoln 66
175 United Alkali Co, Ltd, Liverpool - 76
249 United Turkey Red Co, Ltd Glasgow 82
33 Verkaufs Syndikat, Germany - 65
531 Watson, Laidlaw, & Co., London, 108
197 White, John & James, Rutherglen - 78
366 Wiggin, Henry, & Co, Ltd, B’ham. - 91
248 Wilson Bros. Bobbin Co, Todmorden 82
31 Wright, R. Patrick, Glasgow - - 65
535 Anderson Bros, Glasgow - - . 108
240 Baldwin & Walker, Ltd, Halifax - 81
250 Buckley, Wm., Delf, near Oldham - 82
326 Chardonnet Silk Co, Ltd, London - 89
260 Currie, Thomson & Co Glasgow - 83
219 Forsyth, R. W., Glasgow 80
243 Foster, James, Preston 82
256 Foster, John, & Son Ltd., Bradford, 83
261 Frankenberg, Isidor, Ltd, Salford - 83
241 Fraser, Ross & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 82
279 Gaunt, J. R., & Son, Ltd, Birmingham 85
239 Harrison Patent Knitting Machine
Co, Ltd, Manchester 81
254 Jaegar, Dr Sanitary Woollen Co,
Ltd. London 83
281 Kenning, Geo., & Son, Glasgow - 85
253 Kufner & Berstecker, Glasgow - - 83
232 Liddell, Wm., & Co, Belfast - - 81
2}2 Macarthur, J. D., Ayr 82
262 MacLellan, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - 83
247 Murphy & Shields. Belfast- - - 82
216 Neilson, Shaw. & MacGregor, Glasgow 79
229 Pettigrew & Stephens, Glasgow - 81
255 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale So-
ciety, Ltd, Glasgow ... 83
Sundry Exhibits —Irish Pavilion - 160
224 Rowan & Co., Glasgow 80
252 Russ, F. H,, & Co, Glasgow - - 82
244 Westlands, Laidlaw & Co.. Glasgow 82
245 Wilson, John, & Son, Ltd, Belfast - 82
228, 536 Willis, Nelson & Co, Glasgow 8o& jo8
234 Wright, A. R., & Co, Bingley - 81
Dairy Produce and Appliances.
540 Anti-Friction Alloys, Ltd, London - 109
555 Bradford, Thos.. & Co, Manchester - 1 ro
14 Glasgow Dairy Co Glasgow - - 64
902 Gray, J., Prize Dairy Works, Stranraer 142
900 M'Farlane, J. & A., Glasgow - - 141
277 Mackenzie, A. & C., Glasgow 85
13 Wallace, John, & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow 64
531 Watson, Laidlaw & Co., Glasgow - 108
499 Welsh, Arch., & Co, Ayr - - - 105
31 Wright, R. Patrick, Glasg >w - - 65
Electricity—including Electric Lighting,
Telegraphs, Telephones, & Motors.
583 Adamson, Daniel, & Co, Manchester 113
449 Aird & Coghill, Glasgow - - - 100
571 Anderston Foundry Co, Ltd, Glasgow 112
213, 538 Baird, John, Glasgow - 79, 109
931 Baird & Tatlock, Glasgow - - 144
477 Barr & Stroud, Glasgow - - - 103
572 Bigge, D., Selby, & Co, Newcastle-
420 Broadbent, T., & Sons, Ltd, Huddersfd 98
406, 407 Brit. Jnsl. Wire Co, Lid, Prescot 97
612, 1006, 1061, 1071 British Schuckert
ElectrieCo, Ltd, London 116,161,164,166
1040 British Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Co, London.- - 163
374 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co,
Ltd, Cambridge 93