International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
Subject Index of Exhibits. 389 Stand No. Page 395 Carbone, Le, London, E.C., - - 95 429 Carver Looms, Ltd, Glasgow - - 99 367 Clarke, Chapman, & Co, Ltd, Gates- head-on-Tyne - - - .112 414 Clarke, Steavenson & Co, Barnsley - 97 •926 Consolidated Telephone Construction & Manufacturing Co, Ltd, London 144 520 Dick, Kerr & Co, Ltd, London - 107 932 Eastern Telegraph Co, Ltd, London 144 463 Electric Co, Ltd, London - - - 102 602 Electric Construction Co,Ltd, London 115 818 Electrical Power Stor. Co, Ltd, Lond. 120 409 Ericsson Bell Telephone Co, Glasgow 97 287 Finlay, John, &Co, Ltd. Glasgow - 86 426 Forward Engin. Co, Ltd, Birmingham 98 402 Frankenberg, Ltd, Isidor, Salford - 96 403, 605 General Electric Co,Ltd, London96,115 600 Gibbs, John, & Son, Liverpool - - 115 450 Haddon, John, & Co, London - - 101 494 Hall, J. P., & Co, Oldham - - 104 563 Hamilton, Claud, Ltd, Glasgow - 111 867 Harvie, Win., & Co, Ltd, (Glasgow - 138 581 Hick, Hargreaves & Co, Ltd, Bolton 113 927 Kelvin & James White, Ltd. - - 144 581 Lancashire Dynamo & Motor Co, Ltd 113 565 Lahmeyer Electrical Co, Ltd, London m 405 Morris, Warden & Co, Glasgow - 96 548 Martin, W. C., & Co, Glasgow- - no 610 Mather & Platt, Ltd, Manchester - 116 560 Mavor & Coulson, Ltd, Glasgow - in 551 Milne, C. Williamson, London - - no 613 Montgomerie & Co, Ltd, Partick - 116 404 M'Geoch, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 96 422 National Gas Engine Co, Ltd, Ashton- under-Lyne - - - ■ • 98 205 Osler, F. and C., Birmingham 78 534 Outram, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 108 473 Pease, J. F., & Co, Ltd, Darlington - 103 457 Peebles, D. Bruce, & Co, Edinburgh 101 586 Pickerings, Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees - 113 417 Reavell & Co, Ltd, Ipswich - - 98 446 Reid, John, & Sons, Glasgow - - 100 578 Richardson, Westgarth & Co, Ltd, Hartlepool.....................113 462 Rosling, Appleby &Fynn, Ld, Bradford 102 372 Rudd, John A., Glasgow 93 565 Salmony, H. M., & Co, London - in 453,1041 Selig, Sonnenthal, & Co, Lond. 101,163 559 Shanks, Alex , & Son, Ltd, Arbroath in 588 Steven, A. & P., Glasgow, - - 114 594 Stewart, D., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - m 573 Sturtevant Engineer. Co, Ltd, London 112 539 Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co, Ltd, Sunderland - - - 109 Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 176 568 Tangyes Ltd, Birmingham - - 112 1038 The Machinery Trust, Ltd, London - 162 604 Thwaites Bros, Ltd, Bradford - - 115 408 Tudor Accumulator Co, Ltd, London , 97 562, 1005 Veritys, Ltd, Glasgow - in, 161 306 Walton, Geo., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow • 87 409 Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Cathcart - - 96 Electro-Plating ete., and Appliances. 410 Elkington & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 78 411 Mappin Bros, London 79 202 Walker & Hall, Sheffield - - - 78 Fancy Goods—Work Baskets, Walking Sticks, etc- 300 Dido Umbrella Co, Glasgow - - 87 1108 Douglas, C. & J , Glasgow - - *55 my Firth, Miss.........................’56 219 Forsyth, R. W,, Glasgow - - - So Stand No. Page 207 Mappin Bros, London - „ - - 79 251 Reid & Todd, Glasgow ... 82 237 Royal Asylum for the Blind, Glasgow 81 Filters. 582 Alley & MacLellan, Glasgow - - 113 376 Boothman’s Patent Filter Syndicate, Ltd, Glasgow - - ' - - 94 577 Carruthers, J. H., & Co, Glasgow - 112 556 Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - - 111 546 Harris Patent Feed Water Filters, Ltd, Greenock .... IOg 557 Pulsometer Co, Ltd, London - - in 576 Railton & Campbell, Liverpool- - 112 375 Willcox, W. IL, & Co, Ltd, London 93 Fireclay and Cement. 87 Bourtreehill Coal Co, Dreghorn • 68 377 Castlecary Fireclay Co, Ltd - - 94 i Cory Bros & Co, Ltd 63 379 Dougalljas.,&Sons,Ltd,Bpnnybtidge 94 378 Stephens & Co, Kidwelly - - - 94 Fire-Extinguishing Apparatus. 1021 Gen. Accident Assur. Co, Ltd, Glasgow 162 431 Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd, Kilmarnock 99 390 Hunt & Mitton, Birmingham - - 95 905 Main, R. &. A., Ltd, Glasgow - - 142 610 Mather & Platt, Ltd, Manchester - 116 368 Miller, Wm., Glasgow 91 487 Russell, Joseph Wm.,& Co,Glasgow 104 1024 Shand, Mason & Co, London - - 162 Foods, including Teas, Coffees, Cocoas. 139 Bain, David, & Co, Glasgow 73 158 Bovril Ltd, London 74 136 Brand & Co, Ltd, London - 73 156 Brownlie James, & Son, Glasgow - 74 161 Buchanan, John, & Bros, Ltd, Glasgow 75 151 Cerebos, Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne - 74 117 Colman, J. & J., Ltd, Norwich - 71 134 Cox, J. & G., Ltd, Edinburgh - 73 132 Cranston’s Tea Rooms, Ltd, Glasgow 72 152 Crosse & Blackwell, Ltd, London - 74 159 Davidson, R. & W., Glasgow - - 74 184 Edge, Wm., & Sons, Ltd, Bolton - 76 44 Errington, Roger, Sunderland - • 66 Fry, J. S., & Sons, London - - 72 127 Glebe Sugar Refining Co, Greenock 72 126 Glendinning, W., & Sons, Ltd, New- castle on 'lyne - - 72 135 Gordon & Dilworth’s Tomato Catsup, Ltd, London 73 1^1 Heinz, H. J., & Co, London - - 73 124 Herbert, Geo., Ltd. Glasgow - - - 72 154 International Plasmon, Ltd, London 74 147 Johnston, Baird & Co, Glasgow - 74 125 Jones, Orlando, & Co, Ltd, London 72 157 Keen, Robinson & Co, Ltd, London 74 145 Klaus, J., London, 73 137 Lipton, Ltd, London 73 143 Mellins’ Food, Ltd, London - - 73 613 Montgomerie & Co, Ltd, Partick - 116 596 Morton, Robert, & Sons, Wishaw, - 114 235 Moss, Rimmington & Co, Ltd, Selby 81 155 M'Call & Stephen, Glasgow - - 74 “ India”—Payne, Ge & Co, London - 175 142 Protene Co, Ltd, London - -73 148 Quaker Oats, Ltd, London - - 74 144 Rowat & Co, Glasgow • - - 73 255 Scottish Co operative Wholesale Soc., Ltd, Glasgow - • - 83 “ Ind a”—Sharwood, J A., & Co, Ld, Lond. 175