International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Exhibits.
Stand No. Page
123 Skinner, Wm,, & Son, Glasgow - 72
145 Société Anonyme des Fabriques de
Chocolat et Confiserie, Switzerland 73
194 Smith, T. H., & Co, Edinburgh - 77
37 Spratt’s Patent, Ltd, London' - - 66
Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 176
Sundry Exhibits—French Section - 195
Sundry Exhibits—India and Ceylon 175
Sundry Exhibits—Russian Section - 192F
46 Thorley, Joseph, Ltd, London - - 66
162 U. Co operative Society, Ltd, Glasgow 75
1065 Van Houten’s Cocoa Kiosk - - 165
Furniture and Decoration, including Office
Fittings and Typewriters.
286 American Agency, Glasgow - - 86
314 Anaglypta Branch of the Wall Paper
Manufactory, Ltd, Darwen - - 88
293 Archers, Ltd, Wakefield 86
296 Bennet Furnishing Co, Glasgow - 86
274 Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co, London - 85
891 Bowie, W. & J., Glasgow - - - 141
305 British Charrier Wood Carving Co,
Ltd, London 87
295 Brown & Co, Glasgow - • - 86
317 Burrough’s Adding and Registering
Machine Co, Ltd, Nottingham - 88
308 Campbell, James, & Co, Glasgow - 87
273 Chubb & Sons Lock and Safe Co,
Ltd, London 84
315 Crawford, John, Glasgow 88
953 Cyclostyle Co, London ... 146
270 Entwisle & Kenyon, Ltd, Accrington 84
297 Gardner, A., & Son, Glasgow - • 87
310 Greenwich Inlaid Linoleum, London- 88
320 Hampton & Sons, Ltd, London - 88
285 Heal & Son, London 86
313 Howard & Sons, Ltd, London - - 88
303 Jebb, Alex.. & Sons, Glasgow 87
322 Johnson, Walter, & Co, Ltd, London 88
805 MacDonald, David, Glasgow - - 118
268 MacFarlane Bros, Glasgow 84
III5<5 Mackay, Mrs, Anstruther - - 156
271 Milner’s Safe Co, Ltd, Glasgow- - 84
318 Nat. Cash Registry Co, Ltd, Glasgow 88
323 Oliver Typewriter Co, Ltd, London - 89
616 Phillips, F., Glasgow- - - - 116
172 Pickering, Jos., & Sons, Ltd, Sheffield 75
1022 Pollock, Alex., Tarbolton - - 162
251 Reid & Todd, Glasgow - - - 82
325 Remington Wabash Co, Ltd, Glasgow 89
316 Rome, Geo., Glasgow 88
324 Standard Desk Co, Ltd, London - 89
304 Stewart Pollock & Co, Glasgow- 87
88 Sturrock, Wm., Glasgow - - - 69
299 Smith, Francis, Glasgow ... 87
309 Stewart, Archd., & Co, Glasgow - 88
255 Scottish Co operative Wholesale So-
ciety, Ltd, Glasgow 83
312 Simpson, James, Glasgow 88
1118 Society of Artists, London - - 156
292 Shannon, Ltd, Glasgow 86
Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 176
Sundry Exhibits—India and Ceylon - 175
307 Tynecastle Co, Edinburgh - - 87
298 Taggart, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 87
319 Typewriter Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 88
306 Walton, Geo., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 87
291 Wilson & Boyd, Glasgow 86
290 Woyka & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 86
321 Williams Typewriter Co, Glasgow - 88
284 Wylie & Lochhead, Ltd, Glasgow - 86
302 Union Furnitur, Co, Glasgow - - 87
Gas Engines.
Stand No. Page
427, 1073 Acme Manufacturing Co, Ltd,
Glasgow 98, 166
423 Andrew, J. E. H., & Co, Ltd,Reddish 98
425 Campbell Gas Engine Co, Ltd, Halifax 98
428 Crossley Bros, Ltd, Manchester - 98
587 Diesel Engine Co, Ltd, London- - 113
426 Forward Engineer. Co, Ltd, Birm’ham. 98
448 Furnival & Co, Stockport - - - 100
422 National Gas Engine Co, Ltd,
Ashton-under-Lyne - - - 98
424 Pollock, Wbyte, & Waddel, Johnstone 98
568 Tangyes, Ltd, Glasgow ... 112
421 Willcox Bros, Sunderland 98
213, 538 Baird, John, Glasgow - 79, 109
269 Hope, Henry, & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow- 84
283 Johnsen & Jorgensen, London - . 85
537 M‘Dougall & Sons, Glasgow - - 109
929 Mackenzie & Co, Glasgow, - - 144
205 Osler, F. & C., Birmingham - - 78
211 Sneddon & Sons, Glasgow - - 79
306 Walton, Geo., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 87
Gutta Percha and India Rubber.
307 Clyde Rubber Works Co, Glasgow 83
260 Currie, Thomson & Cp, Glasgow - 83
399 Dick, R. & J., Glasgow, 96
308 Isidor Frankenberg, Ltd, Salford - 83
309 MacLellan, George, & Co, Glasgow - 83
373 St Mungo’s Manfng. Co, Glasgow - 93
385 Wallach Bros, London, E.C. 95
Heating & Lighting Gas Stoves, Ranges, Etc.
893 Alder & Mackay, Edinburgh - - 141
545 American Radiator Co, London - 109
1001,1055 Bon-Accord Acetylene Gas Co 161,164
1003 Boyd, James, & Sons - - - 161
612 Brit, Schlickert Electric Co, Ltd, Lond. 116
909 Carron Co, Stirlingshire . - - 142
892 Clark, S., & Co, London - - - 141
558 Crittall, Rich., & Co, London - - 111
907 Dobbie, Forbes & Co, Larbert - - 142
287, 1054 Findlay, John, & Co, Glasgow 86,164
904 Glover, Thomas, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 142
8q6 M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 141
894 Maclaurin, Robert, Glasgow - - 141
1056 Manchester Acetylene Gas Co, Ltd,
Salford ■'.................................164
905 Main, R. & A., Ltd, Glasgow - - 142
267 Morgan, Joseph, & Son, Manchester 84
1047 Notkin Syndicate, Ltd, Edinburgh - 163
1031 Pintsch’s Patent Lighting Co, London 162
897 Richmond Gas Stove & Meter Co,
895 Robertson, Thomas, & Co, Glagow 141
908 Smith & Wellstood, Ltd, Bonnybridge 142
570 Stott, J., & Co., Oldham, - - . 112
88 Sturrock, Wm., Glasgow 69
906 Taylor & Miller, Glasgow - - - 142
IO53 The Patent Paraffin Gas Lighting Co,
Ltd, Glasgow - - -164
910 Welsbach Incandescent Co, L<i,Lond. 142
899 Wilsons & Mathiesons, Leeds - - 141
Hydraulics Pumping Machines, etc.
541 Bagshawe & Co., London - - - 109
464 Barclay. Andrew, Sons, & Co, Ltd,
Kilmarnock ----- IO2
416 Bennie, John, Glasgow - - . 97
376 Boothman Patent Filter Syndi., Ltd 94
1061 Brit. Schuckert Electric Co, Ltd, Lond. 164
611 Carron Co, Stirlingshire - - - 116