International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Aerated Water Manufacturers.
See “ Brewers.’’
Speedwell Chemical Co, G’asgow - - 28
United Alkali Co, Ltd, Liverpool & Glasgow 322
White, John & James, Glasgow - - 324
P>oby, Rob., Ltd, Bury St. Edmunds - 62
Macqueen, John, Glasgow - - - 324
Reid, Ben., & Co, Ltd, Aberdeen - - 317
Schneider, C., & Co, Glasgow - - - 319
Verkaufs-Syndikat der Kaliwerke, Germany 319
Frazer & Green, Ltd, Glasgow 35
Mackenzie, Dr, Reading .... 367
Thompson, M. F., Glasgow - - - 367
Tunbridge & Wright, Reading - - 367
Ambulance Appliances.
St. Andrew's Ambulance Association, The,
Glasgow.................................45, 364
Ammunition and Explosives.
Nobel’s Explosives Co, Ltd, Glasgow- - 338
Asbestos Manufacturers.
Scottish Asbestos Co, The, Ltd - - 339
NTDowall, Steven & €0, Ltd, Glasgow - 266
Bicycles, Tricycles, etc.
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co, Ltd, The,
Coventry - - - - - 134
Billiard Table Makers.
Norval & Sons, Glasgow ... - 346
Books and Bookbinding.
Aldous’ Physics (Macmillan, Ltd), Derby 112
Allan, R. L., & Son, Glasgow - - - 71
Jack, T. C. & E. C., (“Edinburgh
Waverley ” Edition), Edinburgh - 311
M'Niven & Cameron, Ltd, Edinburgh - 46
Morison Bros, Glasgow 36
Wilson, Walter, & Co (Grand Colosseum
Warehouse), Glasgow - - - 7
Brewers, Distillers, and Aerated Water
Airol, Arch., & Son, Ltd, Alloa- - - 344
Cantrell & Cochrane, Dublin - - - 192A
Frazer & Green, Ltd, Glasgow 35
Globe Company, Glasgow - - - . 161
Robin, M., & Son, Glasgow - - - 361
Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Glasgow - - 232,233
Bricks, Tiles, and Machinery connected
Dougall, Janies, & Sons, Ltd. Bonnybridge 94
Fawcett, Thos. C., Ltd, Leeds - - - 114
Glenboig Union Fireclay Co, Ltd, The • 362
Haddow, Forbes & Co, Glasgow - - 362
Luke, F. R. & C. H., & Co, Glasgow - 361
Staffordshire Tileries'Co, Glasgow - - 362
Wood, Peter, Ltd, West Bromwich • - 89
Carriage Hiring.
Wylie & Lochhead, Ltd, Glasgow - - 224
Chemical Manufacturers.
Brunner, Mond & Co, Ltd, Northwich 320, 321
Garroway, R. & J., Glasgow - - - 323
Patent Borax’Co, Ltd, Birmingham - - 325
China and Glass.
Caulfield & Co, Glasgow 41, 50, 75, 155, 156, 157
158, 159, 160, 212
Daly & Co, Glasgow..........................3
Foster, John, & Son, Ltd, Bradford - - 373
Kirsop & Son, Glasgow - - - 63, 213
Lees, Robert, Galashiels, N.B., - - 368
Mackenzie-Jackson, Oban and Glasgow - 38
Paisley, Peter, Glasgow - - 37, 138, 149
Paton, John, Sons, & Co, Alloa- 19
Riley, Alex., Glasgow - - - - 24
Rowan & Co, Glasgow - 378
Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society,
Ltd, Glasgow..........................369
Simpson, Hunter & Young, Glasgow - 377
Stibbe, G. , & Co , Leicester - - - 81
Wilson, Matheson, & Co, Glasgow - - 379
Wilson, Walter, & Co (Grand Colosseum
Warehouse), Glasgow - - - 376, 384
Coal and Colliery Appliances.
Glasgow Iron & Steel Co, Ltd 15
Nobel’s Explosives Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 338
State of Queensland -
Construction and Architectural Appliances.
Adams, Robert, London 85
Baird & Stevenson, Glasgow - - - 192E
Braby, Fred., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 9
Clay Cross Co, Chesterfield - - - 318
Findlay, Alex., & Co, Ltd, Motherwell - 375
Fleming, P. & R., & Co, Glasgow - - 316
M'Culloch, Moses, & Co, Glasgow - - 166
Speirs & Co, Glasgow ... 64, 65
Waterson & Thomson, Glasgow - • 222
Mackenzie, A. & C., Glasgow - - - 348
Gibson, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - - - 348
Crushing, Cutting, and Boring Machinery.
Faulds, J. G., & Co, Glasgow - - - 142
Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co, London - 108
Loewe, Ludw., & Co, Ltd, London n6, 117, 290
Duthie, James, & Co, Glasgow 88
Hampton & Sons, Ltd, London - - 336